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幕墙英语相关表达 English Collections I. Fa?ade, Curtain wall, Cladding区别 Fa?ade: the face or front of a building 建筑的表面或正面 Curtain wall:A wall that encloses the space within a building but does not support the roof, typically on a modern high-rise.用于围绕建筑内部空间,但不支撑屋顶,主要用于现代高层建筑。(Panel wall) Cladding:a protective covering that protects the outside of a building 保护覆层 (Envelope ) Curtain wall is composed of panel + supporting system + connecting system. II. Curtain wall type: 1,Classified as panel material: Glass CW;B. Stone CW; C. Alum. CW(single plate,composite board,honeycomb plate) Others:Metal plate(STAILESS STEEL,[tai‘teini?m, ti-] TITANIUM-ZINC plate钛锌板)terra-cotta plate(陶土板),(Trespa board)千思板,(Eterpan board)埃特板,GRC (Glass-fiber Reinforced Composite玻璃纤维增强复合板) ,Wood CW…… 2,Classified as structure: A. Stick CW ;B. Unitized CW;C. Semi-unitized CW Others:Full-glass CW(Rib-supported肋支撑式,suspending吊挂式,Free stand type座式),Double-skin CW…… 3. Classified as decorative effect: A. Exposed frame supported curtain wall明框幕墙 B. Hidden frame supported curtain wall隐框幕墙 C. Semi-hidden frame supported curtain wall半隐框幕墙 D. Full glass curtain wall 全玻璃幕墙 4. Classified as development process: Functional system功能型; Energy conversion system能量转换型; 5. Classified as energy-saving system: Non thermal break system非断热系统; Thermal break system断热系统 Other associated collections: Frame supported curtain wall assembled in per-fabricated units / Unitized curtain wall单元式幕墙 Frame supported glass curtain wall assembled in elements/Stick CW构件式 幕墙(框架式幕墙) Sealed curtain wall封闭式幕墙 Open joint curtain wall开放式幕墙 Natural stone curtain wall石材幕墙 Metal panel curtain wall金属板幕墙 Artificial panel curtain wall人造板材幕墙 Porcelain panel curtain wall瓷板幕墙 Terra-cotta panel curtain wall陶板幕墙 Glass-ceramic/microcrystal glass curtain wall微晶玻璃幕墙 Building curtain wall建筑幕墙 Composite curtain wall组合幕墙 Glass curtain wall玻璃幕墙 Inclined building curtain wall斜玻璃幕墙 Frame supported glass curtain wall框支撑幕墙 Full glass curtain wall全玻幕墙 D


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