Humanity, Freedom and Hope 肖申克救赎英文感想.doc

Humanity, Freedom and Hope 肖申克救赎英文感想.doc

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命题部门: 外国语学院 试卷序号: B 考试形式: 课程论文 学 分: 2 考生校区: 浦口 考生班级: 考生学号: 考生姓名: 考试班级:外国语学院2011级英语班2013-2014学年第一学期《高级视听说》试卷 Term Paper (1 x 100) Directions: You are required to write a critical and analytical essay of around 1,500 words in English on one of the following movies that we have learned this semester, The Graduate, Kramer vs. Kramer, Dead Poets Society, Philadelphia, The Shawshank Redemption, American Beauty, Scent of a Woman. The essay should AT LEAST include three aspects: background, themes and conflicts. Your essay should be written on the ANSWER SHEET provided. The essay must have a TITLE. It should also have either foot-notes or tail-notes (author’s name, title of the book, title of the journal, title of the article, date of publication, and page of quotation,) when quotations from others are used. In your writing, when you read or refer to any materials either in print or from websites, these materials should be listed in the REFERENCES after the essay. The deadline for submitting your essay is January 6, 2014. All the essays in print must be submitted to my office (Room 403, Wenxin Building) on Pukou Campus before 5 p.m. on January 6, 2014, in the meanwhile, all the essays must be emailed to the following address: lengjiecheng@. Everyone should fill in all the required information on the ANSWER SHEET provided. Most important of all, the essay should and must be a written product of your own profound reflection of the movie being discussed. Any plagiarizing of other people’s academic achievements will result in failure. 文献引用要求: 参考文献所列顺序以作者姓氏字母顺序排列,中国作者在前,外国作者在后。 如: 胡文仲. 高等学校毕业设计(论文)指导手册 外语卷 [M]. 北京:高等教育出版社,2007.穆诗雄. 英语专业毕业生论文写作 [M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2006.Baker, Mona. Routledge Encyuclopaedia of Translation Studies, London: Routledge, 1998. Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966), /whos.html 文档格式要求: 页边距:上2.54cm,下2.54 cm,左3.17 cm,右2.50 cm 字号:标题:三号加粗;正文:小四;脚注/尾注、参考文献:五号 字体:英文:


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