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2014考研复试:英语口语常见问题 在我 复习的过程中,遇到很多困难,曾经感冒17天,每天拖着病痛坚持复习。 考研报名之后,我得知爷爷患上肺结核这种不治之症,爸妈为了不影响我复习没有告诉我,后来通过表妹得知这个消息,我一个礼拜没有静下心来,每天给家里打电话问候爷爷的情况。在家人的安慰下,我选择坚持复习,不让爷爷为我担心,这也是我现在唯一能为爷爷做的。虽然面对这些困难,但是我没有放弃,坚持到最后。 所以,在以后的生活中,无论遇到什么困难,我都不会放弃,都会坚持不懈! In the review process, I met many difficulties, once a cold 17 days, dragging pain adhere to review every day. After signing up, I learned that grandpa suffer from tuberculosis which is the terminal illness, my parents didnt tell me in order not to affect the review, I later learned this news by my cousin, I didnt calm down for a week。 I will call home greeting grandpas situation every day. Under the comfort of your family, I choose to adhere to the review. Dont let grandpa worry about me, this is my now the only can do for my grandpa. Although in the face of these difficulties, but I didnt give up, insist to the end. So, in later life, no matter what difficulties I meet , I will not give up, will persevere! 1.We from? 2.What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown? 3.What do you do during the Spring Festival? 4.Tell me something about the customs of your hometown. 5.Could you tell me something about your family? 6.What social responsibilities should a post-graduate take? 研究生应该承担什么样的社会责任? 要承担社会责任并且在社会发展进程中成为领军群体的研究生首先必须政治合格、本事过硬、业务精湛 , 积极应对来自政治经济、科技文化、生态环境、社会诚信、国家建设等多方面的压力和挑战。 7.Which kind of professor do you like best? 8.What does friendship mean to you and what kind of people do you make friend with? 友谊对我来说非常重要.。我是一个重感情的人,我喜欢和开朗、直爽的人交朋友,不在乎他们的家庭背景。而且我认为,朋友之间应该互相帮助,互相鼓励,有什么矛盾直接说出来,不要放在心里。 Friendship is very important to me. Im a heavy sentiment, I like to make friends with people who do not have a bright and cheerful disposition, straight, dont care about their family background. And I think that friends should help each other, encourage each other, whats the contradiction just say it, dont take it to heart. 9.What is your major? How do you like your major? 10.When and where did you graduate? What qualifications have you obtained?


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