北鼎教育---2015北外考研英语专业英语语言学chapter two.doc

北鼎教育---2015北外考研英语专业英语语言学chapter two.doc

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Chapter Two Speech Sounds 学习目的: 理解并对比语音学和音系学的研究对象、目的和基本方法; 能够对英语语音进行描写; 了解英语语音的发音过程和规则; 理解各种超音段特征的作用 本章重点: 对英语的辅音、元音进行分类和描写; 协同发音; 音位和音位变体; 英语中常见的音系规则; 区别性特征; 超音段特征 As human beings, we are capable of making all kinds of sounds, but only some of these sounds have become units in the language system. What kinds of unusual sounds can you make? Think of the performance in some comic dialogues. Phonetics phonology Phonetics studies how speech sounds are produced, transmitted, and perceived. Articulatory Phonetics is the study of the production of speech sounds. Acoustic Phonetics is the study of the physical properties of speech sounds. Perceptual or Auditory Phonetics is concerned with the perception of speech sounds. Phonology is the study of the sound patterns and sound systems of languages. It aims to ‘discover the principles that govern the way sounds are organized in languages, and to explain the variations that occur’. 1. How speech sounds are made 1.1 Speech organs Get to know the articulators Position of the vocal folds: voiceless Position of the vocal folds: voicing Position of the vocal folds: glottal stop 1.2 The IPA Its development and principles The contents of the IPA 2. Consonants and vowels A consonant is produced by constricting or obstructing the vocal tract at some places to divert, impede, or completely shut off the flow of air in the oral cavity. A vowel is produced without obstruction so no turbulence or a total stopping of the air can be perceived. 2.1 Consonants The description of consonants Voicing +place of articulation +manner of articulation The manner of articulation refers to ways in which articulation can be accomplished Stop (oral stop) Nasal (nasal stop) Fricative Approximant Lateral Trill Tap/flap Affricate The place of articulation refers to the point where a consonant is made. Practically consonants may be produced at any place between the lips and the vocal folds. Eleve


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