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Inversion Fronting Fronting means the placement of a normally non-initial element at the head of a sentence so as to give prominence and lend emphasis. Fronting without inversion occurs when the object or the subject / object complement is initially placed for textual cohesion. Mr. White fried two pieces of fish. One of these he fed to his cat. The other he ate himself. We really should not resent being called paupers. Paupers we are, and paupers we shall remain. 顿玲什猩槽亥鹊教茎渝呐夸绸腮仅赡梳娄圃答喇蝎渴澄滥诫治验蜂琼求朝InverionInverion This type of fronting also occurs when the object or the complement is initially placed to acquire a contrastive meaning and to ensure balance in sentence structure. Joan he gave nothing, but George he gave 10 shillings. Fool Joe may be, but thief he is not. 最岿突灶豫济腔睫维批骑啦砚绎志涸陛囱帛同卵吟锻扶盔碧疆钳鲁偿困亿InverionInverion Fronting with inversion The fronting of the subject complement is often associated with inversion when the subject is too long or is heavily modified, e.g: Happy indeed are those who receive marvelous news after a long silence. Inversion also takes place when the fronted object is “not a + noun” or “not a single + noun”, eg: I had a terrible time playing roulette at the casino. Not a winning number did I have the whole night. 翔践俄芹咳氓窒懊您粒弘个阐豺册似使登陡椭饺出捎符峰磐蕊浸徘哟武柒InverionInverion Inversion Full inversion Here are some letters for you. Down poured the rain. Into the coach scrambled the children. Full inversion means reversal of the subject and the whole predicate. 酮库举腹阁笋探貉惟死兜雾债诣驹雄遗吩迪戎幕虹段悍得拎岸判阶蔚褪愚InverionInverion Full inversion commonly occurs when the fronted adverbial is a locative or an onomatopoeia and when the predicator is a verb of motion such as come or go, e.g. There was a sudden gust of wind, and away went his hat. Bang, bang, bang came three reports of firecrackers. 拨捉翠竞矛畜眨适役叁喘溶燕刚膛学口施铭瓷庄孵肋平钥将氧迄侣檬庙篇InverionInverion b. Full inversion is also common when the fronted adverbial is a prepositional phrase denoting place,


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