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大学英语长篇阅读教程下册 Unit 1 I Grew up When I Was 74 Directions: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. My mother died last year, aged 107. As I was 74 at that time, and as no one is fully grown-up until both their parents are dead (so they say), I probably remained a child well into old age. I was a “bonded” child. A bonding between mother and child was essential for the wellbeing and healthy development of the baby, and she determined that was how it would be between us. A strong, long-lasting attachment between a baby and mother, father, carer, or whoever, is the most important factor in infant development. So I was cherished. She had tried very hard to bond with my brother, born three years earlier, but he had demonstrated that he wasn’t having any of it. He was pleased when I arrived, therefore, as it meant that the spotlight of attention moved from him to me. I was the bonding type. My mummy was the best mummy in the world. No one understood me like my mummy, and most importantly no one talked to me like my mummy. Because talk she did. All about her childhood, her mother, her father, her brothers and sisters, and the First World War. She was Mummy. We had the war, we had Hitler — but I was always going to be safe because I had Mummy; I was seriously ill but I got better because I had Mummy; we had the 1947 snow and ice for three months but it was fine because, when I got home, I had Mummy and she put my woolen gloves and socks on top of the boiler to dry. In the summer we had a heat wave and she made jugs of lemonade. But we all grew up and our perceptions altered. The adult I became found Mother much less perfect than the child had done. I realized that some of her opinions were racist, some were snobbish — all were ill-thought out. She was also a


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