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中国经济新常态下知识产权司法保护 的新趋势 New Trend of Intellectual Property Judicial Protection in The Context of China’s New Normal Economic Growth 江苏省高级人民法院知识产权庭 宋健 两个基本观点: Two perspectives: 一是中国经济发展新常态对知识产权保护提出了切实的要求 First, China’s new normal economic growth puts forward practical demands in intellectual property protection 二是中国知识产权司法保护正在做出切实的司法回应 Second, China’s judicial protection in intellectual property is making practical response to these demands 知识产权保护在本质上是一国的公共政策,在很大程度上是各国为促进本国的经济社会发展而采取的政策性手段,因此,在经济社会发展的不同阶段,对知识产权保护有着不同的要求。 Intellectual property protection, in essence, is public policy issue of a country. It is primarily a political measure in stimulating the economic and social development of the country. Therefore, the protection on IP depends on the stage of economic and social development in the country.   中国经济发展新常态的特点: Features of China’s new normal economic growth   1.经济体量全球第二:2014年中国GDP总量达到10.4万亿美元(美国17.4万亿)   1. China has the second large national economy gross in the world. In 2014, China’s GDP had reached 10.4 trillion USD(17.4 trillion in United States)   2.经济发展速度下降,由过去10%以上的高速增长期进入7%至8%的中高速增长期, 2014年7.4%的经济增速创中国24年来新低,    传统的出口、投资、消费拉动经济发展的“三驾马车”正在失灵 2. The pace of economic growth has become slower, the growth rate of economy has dropped from 10% to 7%-8%. In 2014, the growth rate had fallen a record low of 7.4% in the recent 24 years. The three major traditional driving forces-- export, investment and consumption are losing their power. 3.发展速度控制在一定的“合理区间”:上限就是物价总水平不能突破3.5%左右,下限就是经济增长不能滑出7.5%左右 3.The growth rate shall be controlled within a reasonable range, which means the general price level?shall not exceed approximately 3.5% and economic growth rate shall not fall out around 7.5%. 4.发展方式由要素驱动转变为创新驱动:创新驱动战略与知识产权保护的重要性提升到比以往任何 时候都更重要的高度 4. The way of development should be transformed from factors-driven to innovation-driven. The strategy of innovation-driven development and intellectual pr


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