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七年级上册英语词组归纳 Good morning 2.Good afternoon 3. Good evening 4.in English 5.an orange 6.spell it what color 8.a red cup 9. his blue ruler 10.her yellow key 11. my name 12.his name her name 14.telephone number 15.first name 16.last name 17.my friend 18.in China in my family 20.her father 21.have a good day 22.his parents 23.two photos of my family in the first photo 25.in the next picture 26.these two girls 27.the name of my dog 28.excuse me what about 30.thanks...for. 31.in the school library 32.ask...for 33.call...at. 34.school ID card a computer game 36.on the sofa 37. under the chair 38.in your schoolbag 39.under the table in my grandparents’ room 41.on your head 42.tape player 43.model plane 44.under the radio ping-pong bat 46.be late 47.let sb do 48.That sounds good. 49 play volleyball 50. watch TV play basketball 52.in the same school 53.play..with 54.do sports 55.after class 56.think about next week 58.some fruit 59.get salad 60.ask...about 61.eating habits 62.the volleyball star like...for breakfast/lunch/dinner 64.what fruit 65.one last question 66.be fat 67.want to do sth healthy food 69.for breakfast/lunch/dinner 70.how much 71.a sweater for school 72.two dollars for one pair 73. a pair of /two pairs of 74. clothes store 75. at our great sale 76. at very good prices skirts in purple 78.Happy birthday .79. how old 80. in August 81. on May 1st 82. come to my birthday party 83.at three p.m 84.English test 85.school trip 86.School Day 87.book sale 88. English Day 89.art festival 90.Sports Day 91.soccer game 92.this term 93. my favorite subject on Monday 95.the next day 96. for sure 97.from...to 98.have an art lesson 99.on Friday afternoon 100.your math class 七年级英语上册知识语法总汇 Starters units1—3 1. ---What’s this in English? ---It’s an orange. (其中 what’s = _______ ____; it’s = ____ ___) 2. ---What color is the key? ---It’s black and white. ---What color are the strawberries? ---They’re red. (其


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