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摘 要 传统的教学评价把教学结果作为一种可量化、可测量的目标,其本质是一种目标取向的评价,这种评价制度过度强调量化的成绩,只关注教学活动的最终结果,而忽略了整个学生的学习过程。新课程理念下的学生评价则是以促进学生的全面发展为根本宗旨的。这种评价体系体现了评价主题的参与和互动性,强调评价内容的多元化、评价方式的多元化,重视评价的激励性等,是更科学、合理、客观的评价体系。因此,由传统的评价模式转向发展性评价模式是必然的选择。这是因为只有抛弃传统的以考试成绩作为对学生鉴定和筛选的方式,才能让学生获得真正的发展,而不仅仅是大量的间接知识的记忆和掌握。 所以,素质教育的推进和新课程改革都必然的在学生评价上选择了发展性评价方式。其注重将评价作为一种激励和促进学生发展的重要方式,而不再是简单的对学生学习和生活的简单说明与结论。随着时间的推移,我们的教育改革在不断的深入和推进。学生评价这个基础教育改革的瓶颈问题到底解决地怎么样了?是形式一片大好还是穿了新鞋走了老路?为此,本文就此方向进行了力所能及的的访谈调查。遗憾的是,结果分析显示,我们的这个瓶颈并没有顺利的打通,而是出现了停滞。也就是说,在当前的基础教育改革深入和推进的过程中,我们并没有将发展性评价模式进行贯彻和落实,而是继续着穿新鞋走老路。 出现这种问题的原因很多,但是教育改革刻不容缓,学生评价方式改革势在必行。就此,文章进行了探索,提出了一些有针对性的建议。 关键词:小学;发展性评价;现状;基础教育课程改革 ABSTRACT The traditional teaching evaluation of teaching results as a quantifiable, measurable goals, its essence is the evaluation of a goal orientation, the evaluation system of excessive emphasis on quantitative results, the final result only pay attention to teaching activities, neglecting the learning process of students. Student evaluation under the new curriculum is to promote the comprehensive development of students as the fundamental purpose. This evaluation system reflects the participation and interaction of evaluation subject, evaluation content diversification, diversification emphasizes the evaluation mode, the importance of the evaluation of the incentive, is more scientific, rational, objective evaluation system. Therefore, the promotion of quality education and the new curriculum reform is inevitable in the student evaluation to choose the development way of evaluation. The focus will be evaluated as an important way to encourage and promote the development of students, and is no longer a simple description and conclusion simple on students study and life. With the passage of time, our education reform in and promote the constant depth. The bottleneck problem of student evaluation of the basic education reform is to solve how? Is to form a good or wear new shoe to take old road? Therefore, to conduct interviews


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