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教学设计方案终稿 课 题 Lesson14:Accident Happen 姓 名 彭荣梅 学 科 英语 学 校 岚皋城关中学 年 级 初中9年级 教学目标 1能准确地发音和使用accident,town,reporter,roll,fault,icy,ugly,shoulder,wound,recover,expect,等词汇 能够掌握:The accident happened at about 7:30 am./She and her brother,James, were on the way to an early basketball practice./We were in a hurry ./We didn`t want to be late for basketball practice./She will return to school in a weeek .2熟练掌握“描述车祸”的文章,能听懂并从中获取有效的信息. 3通过一系列的听说练习流利的和他人报道车祸现场. 4能用所学词汇和句型进行表达. 学生情况分析 9(3)班学生53人,学生英语基础较好,自主学习英语的能力较强,对英语学习有浓厚的兴趣,能主动参与课堂学习。9(6)56人,英语基础较薄弱,对课堂主动参与意识不强,对英语学习有一定的兴趣,能在老师的指导下完成学习任务。 教学重难点 重点:掌握本课的词汇和短语accident,town,reporter,roll,fault,icy,ugly,shoulder,wound,recover,expect等. on the way to / in a hurry /be late for / be icy / stop sb from doing 重点句型:1 The accident happened at about 7:30 am.2 She and her brother,James, were on the way to an early basketball 3 We were in a hurry . 4 We didn`t want to be late for basketball practice.5 She wanted to stop her from running after the ball. 6 She will return to school in a weeek . 难点:短语的句式的实际运用 教学过程 (包含教师活动、学生活动、设计意图、技术应用等) 教学内容 重点accident,town,reporter,roll,fault,icy,ugly,shoulder,wound,recover,expect等 重点句型:1 The accident happened at about 7:30 am.2 She and her brother,James, were on the way to an early basketball 3 We were in a hurry . 4 We didn`t want to be late for basketball practice.5 She wanted to stop her from running after the ball. 6 She will return to school in a weeek . 教学设计初稿的修改点 磨课活动小结 磨课活动过程分析 活动反思 活动反思


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