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全球高校专业排名:美英大学独占鳌头 The worlds top universities by subject Four universities feature in the top placed rankings, including the University of Oxford, which leads in four subjects, and the University of Cambridge, which leads three.英国有四所大学名列前茅,包括分别领跑四个学科和三个学科的牛津大学和剑桥大学。 The Royal College of Art, which was given a major boost last week by George Osborne, the Chancellor, with £54 million in funding for its new campus in Battersea, is ranked as the world’s best university for art and design, while the Institute of Education University College London retains its status as world-leading for education.英国皇家艺术学院则被评为全球最佳艺术设计类大学。该校因上周收到财政大臣乔治·奥斯本一笔5400万英镑的拨款而备受关注,这笔资金将用于建设巴特西新校区。伦敦大学教育学院仍然在教育学科引领世界。 However, the rankings were dominated by US universities, with Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) topping the tables in 24 subjects between them. 不过,该排行榜其实是美国大学的天下:哈佛大学和麻省理工学院共有24个学科位居榜首。 Published by Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), researchers garnered the opinions of 76,798 academics and 44,426 employers to inform the results, alongside the analysis of 28.5 million research papers. 这份榜单由英国QS全球教育集团发布。研究人员征集了76798位学者和44426位雇主的意见,分析报告多达2850万份,最后得出了这份结果。 Results of the research saw UK universities secure eight first place rankings, 16 second-place rankings and 21 third-place rankings, with increases in both academic and employer reputation.结果表明,英国大学摘下8顶桂冠,拿下16个第二名,还有21个学科位居第三,在学者和雇主中的口碑均有所提升。 Commenting on the rankings, Ben Sowter, head of the QS Intelligence Unit, said: Though the US and UK remain dominant, our most inclusive rankings ever show that excellence can be found in an ever-increasing number of places.QS信息部负责人本·梭特在评价这份榜单时说道:“虽然美国大学和英国大学仍然占主导地位,不过这份覆盖范围最广的排名同时也显示出,越来越多的地区正在涌现出优秀学科。” Nations like Austria, South Africa, Finland, Brazil, China, and Sweden can be found in the top ten of our tables. Our new top 100 for performing arts acknowledges academic excellence in 27 different countries and regions, while our top 100 for mineral engineering r


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