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损耗 - 零售业的成本 精明商家都明白一道理,卖出100元的商品,未必有10元的利润,但被偷100元的商品,损失的是百分之百的利润,因此防损理念自然被商家接受认同。在美国无论是几十平米的杂货店或是仓储式超市都安装EAS系统,因为他们已认识到安装EAS,不仅是一种防范手段,更是一种全新的经营理念。 在激烈的商业竞争中,防损管理是商家在经营管理中的重大问题,是商家降低成本、提高利润的环节之一。从洋超市到内资超市,成功企业的共同特点是: 重 视 防 损 管 理 损耗的定义 同一商品预定的售价与实际售价之间的差。 雇员盗窃 店内盗窃 供应商欺诈 行政管理错误 Source: 1996 美国零售保安调查 60% 的消费者都有过偷窃行为 Source: 消费者研究杂志 零售损失最普遍的方式是 雇员盗窃及顾客偷窃 Source: 1997年美国食品零售协会对东南亚零售损失调查 按种类统计的易丢失商品 Source: FMI Security Loss Prevention Survey South East Asia 1997 按价格统计的易丢失商品 内盗手段 外盗手段 “不诚实的顾客偷窃的商品金额大约是顾客偷窃商品金额的十倍 ($801.12 比 $81.91).”第八次年零售业年偷窃损失调查, 1995 * Let’s know look at what shrinkage is and what it costs your company * First, let’s start with a basic definition of shrinkage. I’m sure you are familiar with the term but here’s a breakdown of shrinkage. You’ll notice that employee theft shoplifting account for nearly 75% of all shrinkage. We refer to this portion as UNKNOWN SHRINKAGE * As far as the consumers are concerned, over 60%, according to the Journal of Consumer Research have shoplifted at one time. * According to a retail security survey done in 1997, sponsored by FMI, CKP SRM, and which some of you may have seen, the most common forms of retail loss in SEA are employee theft shoplifting. * By volume, liquor, HBC, staple food, and other categories account for the highest incidence of merchandise shrinkage by volume. The other category includes music, videos, consumer electronics. * Internal losses are what your employees steal from you. In looking at the breakdown of categories, merchandise stolen is clearly the highest. (Read quote on bottom of page) * Let’s know look at what shrinkage is and what it costs your company * First, let’s start with a basic definition of shrinkage. I’m sure you are familiar with the term but here’s a breakdown of shrinkage. You’ll notice that employee theft shoplifting account for nearly 75% of all shrinkage. We refer to this portion as UNKNOWN SHRINKAGE * As far as the consu


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