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Exercises for Lesson Twelve I. Give brief answers to the following questions, using your own words as much as possible: 1) Were the Tonnerres rich or poor? Substantiate your answer with facts. 2) What would happen sometimes to old Jules or his son Lazarus on Saturday nights? 3) Why did the doctor propose taking Piquette to Diamond Lake for the summer? 4) Why did the narrator’s mother first object and then agree to take Piquette along? 5) What was the cottage on the lake called? What was the scenery there like? 6) Why did the narrator ask Piquette respectfully. “ I bet you know a lot about the woods and all that. eh.” ? 7) Why was the narrator startled and her feelings hurt by Piquette’s rude answers to her questions? 8) Why did the narrator say that all that summer Piquette remained as both a reproach and a mystery to her? 9) What does the narrator mean when she says : “ For the merest instant, then, I saw her.” ? 10) What is the full name of the narrator of the story? 11) How is the disappearance of the loons related to the theme of this story? II. Paraphrase: 1)????? with a face that seemed totally unfamiliar with laughter 2)????? Sometimes old Jules, or his son Lazarus, would get mixed up in a Saturday-night brawl 3)????? Her attendance had always been sporadic and her interest in school work negligible 4)????? She existed for me only as a vaguely embarrassing presence 5)????? She dwelt and moved somewhere within my scope of vision 6)????? If it came to a choice between Grandmother Macleod and Piquette, Piquette would hands down, nits or not. 7)????? Her defiant face, momentarily, became unguarded and unmasked, and in her eyes there was a terrifying hope. 8)????? She looked a mess, to tell you the truth, a real slattern, dressed any old how 9)????? She was up in court a couple of times--- drunk and disorderly, of course. III. Translate the following sentences into English, using the word or expressions in the text 1)????? 我们骑车去香山好吗? 2)


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