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超多复古框架同步上市,潮流就是以不变应万变! Much vintage frames are launching simultaneously,trend is based on maintaining the status quo. “独特、新颖、个性”并在设计中融入当今流行元素,让消费者感觉到每时每刻变化的时尚,带给消费者欢快的心情,这就是lose show独特的魅力! The unique charm of lose show is unique,novelty,personalitycombining todays popular element in the design,let consumers feel fashion every second and bring cheerful mood to consumer . 想要不单调,小物的运用格外重要。帅气的眼镜,是必备的加分小物噢 If you want to be not monotonous,the use of small things appear to be particularly important .Handsome glasses are necessary things which will add to you charm. 已经到了要大肆采购的季节了。现在的想法是“让简单的服饰变得更加时尚”。我们将为这样的你送上今年最流行的单品。 Its already time to violently purchase .We will send the most popular single product for those people who have the idea that Let the simple dress becomes more fashionable. 5.糖果色的甜美充满了无忧无虑的童年气息,色彩斑斓的糖果色幻化成靓丽景色。Lose show 的新款就是闪亮又可爱的糖果色, 它营造的天真氛围令每一个女孩子都成为独特的存在 Luscious candy colors is full of carefree childhood breath,Colorful candy colors transform into a beautiful view . new species of Lose show is bright and lovely candy colors which build a naive atmosphere make each girl became a unique existence.Choose black can balance visual sense well,it can let you look slimmer,too. 绝对是大热的人气单品,可以拥有自己独特的风格 Have its own unique style,absolutely such a huge popular single product. 以其特有的复古风,吸引越来越多的关注,展现了街头的时尚感,细节处的独到设计使价值感倍增。 With its peculiar revitalized style,Attracting more and more attention,Showing the street fashion sense,the original design of details make its perceived value multiply. 巴黎,米兰,纽约,东京已经轮番上演了,朋克风的浪潮一轮接一轮的。 It already turns staged in Paris,Milan,New York,Tokyo,and the tide of punk style appear round by round. 无论你是淑女 熟女还是帅哥 衰哥带上绝对气质非凡哦 Whether youre lady or cougar or handsome boy or unhandsome boy,Absolutely extraordinary when you are with it 百搭的款式,就算时间再久还是一样流行 Even though that how long the time have,the mix-matched style will be very popular. 不拘一格的怀旧气质,源自怀旧的灵感 Unfettered nostalgic temperament derived from nostalgic inspiration. 相当时尚有型的一个款式!明星出门必备的! T


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