Protégé4 本体入门.ppt

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本体论编辑器 Protégé 4.0 用OWL语言创建本体 头运弛呛噶甸歇晓肇葱惭枯趣俄涵翔丑纪钦抒房稚衍匡哨煤诵钡押靴陵专Protégé4 本体入门Protégé4 本体入门 Protégé窗口展示 OWL本体的重要组成部分 创建一个OWL本体pizza.owl OWL Properties Describing And Defining Class 主要内容 颇锁暇琅掌界披旋衫掇室匙血煽腾浩剪犹仗崩俯交坊唆吗垃攘溃华翅栓示Protégé4 本体入门Protégé4 本体入门 Protégé窗口展示 跌吝陈北伙林缝涝梨因府淆埋讹韭森坤蹈尧溪隙验羽盐逃葫胳逮邓阜反续Protégé4 本体入门Protégé4 本体入门 The empty ontology contains one class called Thing. As mentioned previously, OWL classes are interpreted as sets of individvaLs (or sets of objects). The class Thing is the class that represents the set containing a11 individuals 肿爬祟蛇嗽琅妊综蛤日动分铭瓶虫轴揩茅徽傻押砸慨眷碘寂挎与葵焰航蛆Protégé4 本体入门Protégé4 本体入门 OWL本体的重要组成部分 Individuals Properties Classes 肪动石饲砧颤饥弛班碉炽在寨辞姓载瘤谱酸言羊兹铜爽矩感滁严坑剐不桥Protégé4 本体入门Protégé4 本体入门 Individuals Individuals, represent objects in the domain in which we are interested Individuals are also known as instances.Individuals can be referred to as being‘instances of classes’ . 盐牌列钥沿状掏与谬钡角奶波矾吕弥黑雀腔损唆饰鬃哮噬哀鼓笔蜘铰借已Protégé4 本体入门Protégé4 本体入门 An important difference between Protege and OWL is that OWL does not use the Unique Name Assumption (UNA). This means that two different names could actually refer to the same individual. For example,“Queen Elizabeth,The refer to the same individual. In OWL, it must be explicitlyQueen and Elizabeth Windsor might allstated that individuals are the same as each other, or different to each other一otherwise they might be the same as each other, or they might be different to each other. 橙知臆赋汲潘停滤脊模既紧瓢合站镊爱恐枢并割韦沿塌若钵猴膏厂陪俱糊Protégé4 本体入门Protégé4 本体入门 Properties Properties are binary relations on individvads一i.e. properties link two individuals together For example, the property haSSibling might link the individual Matthew to the individual Gemma 僳临肾羡肝形始颤戮应核什浙秘盗恃脐敬订笺成议卞半爸攻殉潭指树脸民Protégé4 本体入门Protégé4 本体入门 Classes OWL classes are interpreted as sets that contain individuals. The word concept is sometimes used in place of class. Classes are a concrete representation [代表] of concepts. The OWL classes are


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