必修一英语Unit 1知识要点.doc

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必修一英语Unit 1知识要点 一.译林牛津版高一英语必修一U1知识清单: 1.What is …like? What does sb. look like? What does sb. like? How is sb.? What is sb? 2. going to British high school 动名词作主语 Eg.: Playing with fire is dangerous. 玩火是危险的。 Seeing is believing. 眼见为实。 Do you mind telling me what happened? 你介意告诉我发生了什么吗? Better take a sleeping bus for a long journey. 长途旅行最好乘卧铺车。 3. enjoyable enjoy enjoyment enjoy doing enjoy oneself 4. experience n.经验(不可数名词,其后通常接的是in 或of短语) 经历(可数名词)vt. 经历,体验 She wrote a book about her experiences in America. Have you experienced real struggle? He has a lot of experience in surfing games. be experienced in … 在…有经验 5. attend vt.出席,参加 attend school 上学 attend the meeting 开会 ,参加会议 attend the wedding 参加婚礼 attend to sb. 照顾某人,关怀某人 attend to one’s work 用心从事某人的工作。 对比:attend, join, join in, take part in attend :主要是指以观众和听众的身份来参加,一般用于指参加会议、出席典礼或者招待会等,也可以指上学,听课,挺演讲或者讲座等。 join:指参加某个组织并且成为其中的一名成员。 join in:参加某项活动,尤其是指参加某项正在进行的活动。 take part in :参加某项工作‘活动或者事业,并且在其中其作用。 6. earn vt 获得,赢得,挣得 earn one’s bread/ living 谋生 earn/ win respect 赢得尊重 earn money 挣钱 earn one’s place 赢得地位 对比:earn,win, gain,achieve,get earn:指为钱或是其他的报酬工作。含有报酬是应得的意思。 He earned four thousand yuan a month. win:指在竞争战争比赛中获胜,并可能由此而得到奖赏。 Zhangjie won the most excellent singer prize last year. gain:指获得有用或是重要的东西,常用于和钱没有关系的场合。 He gained lots of experience during the journey to Africa. achieve:通过努力而达到目标 He achieved the goal at the age of 50. get:常规用词 7. respect n. (ucn) vt 尊敬、敬重 give/send/pay one’s respects to sb. 向某人问候 have respect for …尊敬…. respect sb. for 因···尊敬某人 have respect to 牵涉到,关系到注意到,考虑到 hold sb. in respect 尊敬某人 out of respect for sb. 出于对某人的尊敬 show one’s respect for 对···表示尊敬 with the respect to 关于 8. devote oneself to sth./ doing sth. = be devoted to sth./doing sth. 专注做某事,忠于做某事。to是介词, 后面接名词,代词,动名词。 to是介词的常用短语:look forward to , pay attention to, stick to坚持、紧跟、黏住, be used to 9. average adj. 一般的,普通的,平均的。n.平均、平均数 above/below( the ) average在平均水准以下或以上


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