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* * * 中国工程机械工业协会工业车辆分会 2012 Presidents’ Forum 2012年主席论坛 President, CITA 中国工程机械工业协会工业车辆分会 会长 President, Beijing Materials Handling Engineering Research Institute 北京起重运输机械设计研究院 院长 Lu Daming 陆大明 Oct, 2012, Kyoto Japan 2012年10月 日本 京都 AGENDA本次演讲内容: I. 2012 Macro-economic Development in China 2012年中国宏观经济形势 II. Industrial Truck Market in China 中国工业车辆发展状况 III. Characteristics of China’s Industrial Truck Market in Recent Years and the Development Prospects 中国工业车辆行业近年的市场特点和发展前景 I. 2012 Macro-economic Development in China 2012年中国宏观经济形势 发达国家 新兴市场 The European debt?crisis, the hard?landing?for?emerging market, the recent turbulence in Middle?East and North Africa. 欧债危机、新兴市场“硬着陆”以及中东北非局势动荡 In the developed countries, the general Macro-economy policy tends to be flexible. 发达国家:宏观经济政策普遍趋于宽松 In the emerging market, “spur growth” policy is clearer. 新兴市场:“保增长”的政策主调更加明确 Global economy recovery is still lack of energy, the economy grew at low speed. 世界经济复苏动能依然缺乏,经济将呈现低速增长态势 China’s economy is in the medium phase of deleveraging and has not reached the bottom, thus the development may take longer than expectation. 中国经济正处于去杠杆化中期,探底过程尚未结束,时间可能会比想象的长。 中国经济机遇与挑战并存 Due to the overall moderate policy of China, the further growth trend is not visible. 中国总体政策偏稳健,进一步积极的特性并不显著。 The consumption growth is hard, profit in most enterprises is poor, 消费增长乏力,企业盈利不佳的情况普遍存在 Number of employees in industrial enterprises keep decreasing. 工业企业用工人数同比增速持续下滑。 It takes time to reduce the production capacity, conquer financial risk, and change economic growth mode. 去产能、 消化金融风险、 转变增长方式需要时间   Remark: 2011 GDP - revised figure, 2012 GDP - preliminary reading GDP Growth Rate 2011 Q1 Q1-Q2 Q1-Q3 Q1-Q4 2012Q1 Q1-Q2 Q1-Q3 Chinas?consumer?price?index % Change Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Under the dual-pr


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