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学号: 常 州 大 学 毕业设计(论文) (2012届) 题 目 学 生 学 院 专业班级 校内指导教师 专业技术职务 校外指导老师 专业技术职务 二○ 二质量伺服系统的PID仿真控制 摘 要:PID控制是最早发展起来的控制策略之一, 由于其算法简单、稳定性能好、可靠性高, 能为许多控制对象提供比较满意的控制性能, 被广泛应用于过程控制和运动控制中, 尤其是用于可建立精确数学模型的确定性控制系统。伺服系统可视为由电机、纯惯性负载以及联结二者的等效传递轴所组成的三质量系统。考虑到传动轴的转动惯量相对于负载的转动惯量而言很小,而且其质量分布在轴的长度上,因此可以忽略,于是三质量系统可以简化为二质量系统。 本文对二质量伺服系统的PID控制进行了仿真研究。在Simulink仿真环境中对二质量伺服系统进行仿真。最终仿真结果表明:二质量伺服系统PID控制具有无超调、 响应快且较好的稳定性的特点,能够有效地克服动态误差和缩短调节过程时间。 关键词:二质量伺服系统;PID控制;simulink仿真 PID simulation of two-mass servo system control Abstract:PID control is one of the earliest developed controlstrategyparticularly to establish a precise mathematical model of the deterministic control system.The motor servo system can be seemed as a three quality system composed of a motor,a pure inertia load and equivalent transfer axis which links the motor and the load.Taking into account the moment of inertia of the drive shaft is very small for the load moment of inertia and its mass distribution is on the length of the shaft, it can be ignored.So three-mass system can be simplified to two quality systems. This article expounds a simulation study on PID control of the servo system of the two quality.Simulate the servo system of the two quality by Simulink.The final simulation results show that PID control of servo system of two quality has the characteristics of no overshoot, fast response and better stability.And it can effectively overcome the dynamic error and shorten the time of the adjustment process. Key words: servo system of two quality ;PID control;simulink 摘要·····························································································


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