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题 目 试卷自动生成系统的设计与实现 姓 名 常玉冬 学号 2009145483 院 系 计算机科学学院 专 业 软件工程 指导教师 马春梅 职称 副教授
2013年 5月 20日 曲阜师范大学教务处制
目 录
摘要 1
关键词 1
Abstract 1
Key words 1
1 引言 1
2 开发工具简介和相关技术简介 2
2.1 开发工具 2
3试卷自动生成系统的分析 3
3.1可行性分析 3
3.2需求求分析 3
4 系统设计 4
4.1数据库设计 4
4.2 系统模块设计 7
5系统实现 8
5.1登录模块 8
5.2题库管理模块 9
5.3试卷生成模块 13
6总结 14
7致谢 15
8参考文献 16
软件工程专业学生 常玉冬
指导教师 马春梅
Design and Realization of the Automatic Generation of Test Paper
Student Majoring in Software Engineering ChangYudong
Tutor MaChunmei
Abstract: Value of teaching is an important link for teaching; usually a value of teaching is from an exam, so a quality paper straight touches the value of teaching. The general situation ,teacher thinks out a paper,reach huge exam pool each finds out the question, or shoulder the question together out from several relevant books. Time-consuming and also strenuous like this, and very difficult to guarantee coverage rate and paper degree of difficulty of examination question. Helping the teacher disengages from the burdensome proposition about exam, In order to improve the quality and management proposition of the modern, scientific, standardized, the paper developed a test generation system.
Paper Generation System is designed and implemented based on the sufficient needs analysis in this paper, It mainly implements some functions include in automatically generating papers , extracting some of existing papers ,maintaining user information and so on ,the system can operate stably in Windows2000/XP platform ,reach the expected goal and have some practical value.
Key words:Automatic; Data Base; Java; Test
1 引言
Oracle数据库又专门写一个程序,或为访问Informix数据库又编写另一个程序等等,程序员只需要用JDBC API写一个程序就够了,它可向相应数据库发送SQL调用。同时,将Java语言和JDBC结合起来使程序员不必为不同的平台编写不同的应用程序,只须写一遍程序就可以让它在任何平台上运行。