2013最新版新目标英语八年级Unit9Can_you_come_to_my_party_Reading 课件.ppt

2013最新版新目标英语八年级Unit9Can_you_come_to_my_party_Reading 课件.ppt

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e.g. We must prepare a room for our guest. 我们必须为客人准备一个房间。 6. guest n. 客人;宾客 7. calendar n. 日历;日程表 e.g. Is there a calendar here? 这里有日历吗? Read the invitation and answer the questions. 3a 1. Who is making the invitation? _____________________________ 2. What is the invitation for? _____________________________ _____________________________ 3. When will the event happen? _____________________________ _____________________________ Larry Smith It’s for the opening of the new library at No. 9 High School. It will be on the morning of Wednesday, January 8th at 9:00. 4. What will happen after this? _____________________________ 5. Do parents have to bring anything? _____________________________ _____________________________ 6. How should people reply to this invitation, and when? _____________________________ _____________________________ They can enjoy the school concert. Yes. They should bring one book as a gift for the new library. They should reply in writing to this invitation by Friday. 首先,浏览一下邀请信,了解邀请信的目的及大意。 其次,读后面的问题,明确其意思。 然后,带着问题,细读邀请信,在信中找出回答该问题的依据,并作出相应的回答。 最后,再通读一遍短文,检查所回答问题的正确性。 阅读指导 Make a list of the kinds of parties people have. Welcome party 欢迎会 Farewell party 欢送会 Housewarming party 乔迁聚会 Dinner party 晚宴 Cocktail party 鸡尾酒会 Graduation party 毕业派对 Surprise party 惊喜派对 Costume party 化妆晚会 Wedding party 婚宴 Birthday party 生日聚会 2a Message 1: ________________________ Message 2: ________________________ Message 3: ________________________ 2b Skim the messages below. Why did the people write them? Match the reason with each message. make an invitation turn down an invitation accept an invitation 1. reply v. 回答;答复 e.g. They replied my letter three days ago. 三天前他们回复了我的信。 e.g. Can you print this for me? 你能给我印出这个来吗? 2. print v. 打印;印刷 New words 3. delete v. 删除 e.g. Please delete my names from your list. 请把我的名字从你的清单中删除。 4. turn down 拒绝 e.g.



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