金融英语chapter two Central Bank.ppt

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Chapter Two Central Bank Learning objective: Lead-in questions Lead-in questions Background knowledge Brief Introduction to Central Banks Glossary Glossary Glossary Phrases Phrases Phrases Phrases Phrases Phrases Phrases Phrases Phrases Phrases Special Terms Notes to the text Notes to the text Notes to the text Notes to the text Notes to the text Notes to the text Notes to the text Notes to the text Notes to the text Notes to the text Notes to the text Key to exercises Key to exercises Key to exercises Key to exercises Key to exercises Key to exercises Key to exercises Key to exercises Key to exercises 14. Ben Bernanke 本?伯南克 Ben Bernanke is an American economist, and the current Chairman of the Federal Reserve, the central bank of the United States. During his tenure as Chairman, Bernanke has overseen the response of the Federal Reserve to late-2000s financial crisis. 15. Jean-Claude Trichet 让-克罗德?特里谢 Jean-Claude Trichet is a French civil servant who is the president of the European Central Bank, a position he has held since 2003. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of the Bank for International Settlements. 16. Only they are able to provide almost unlimited system-wide liquidity at very short notice 只有他们能在极短的时间内提供几乎无限并覆盖整个 (金融)体系的流动性 此处的“liquidity”实质上指的就是货币(信用)供给。 1. Questions on the text: 1) What do Mr. Weber and Mr. Warsh have in common? Both of them worked for central banks in their respective country. Both were uneasy about changes in the way that central banks conduct themselves. And both Mr. Weber and Mr. Warsh have quit their central banker jobs. 1. Questions on the text: 2) Why does the author claim that “central banking is becoming a more complicated game”? The reason is that today’s central banks are not only in charge of national monetary policies, but also taking on new responsibilities, such as those for the supervision of banks and the stability of financial systems. Those responsibilities ma


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