金融英语chapter four Investment Bank.ppt

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Chapter Four Investment Bank Learning objective: Lead-in questions Lead-in questions Background knowledge A Career in Investment Banking Glossary Glossary Phrases Phrases Phrases Phrases Phrases Phrases Phrases Phrases Phrases Special Terms Special Terms Notes to the text Notes to the text Notes to the text Notes to the text Notes to the text Notes to the text Notes to the text Notes to the text Notes to the text Notes to the text Notes to the text Notes to the text Notes to the text Notes to the text Notes to the text Notes to the text Notes to the text Notes to the text Notes to the text Notes to the text Notes to the text Notes to the text Key to exercises Key to exercises Key to exercises Key to exercises Key to exercises Key to exercises Key to exercises Key to exercises Key to exercises Key to exercises 13. futures 期货 期货一般指期货合约,即由期货交易所统一制定的、规定在将来某一特定的时间和地点交割一定数量标的物的标准化合约。这个标的物,即期货合约所对应的现货,可以是某种商品,如铜或原油,也可以是某个金融工具,如外汇、债券,还可以是某个金融指标,如股票指数。期货合约的买方,如果将合约持有到期,那么他有义务买入期货合约对应的标的物;而期货合约的卖方,如果将合约持有到期,那么他有义务卖出期货合约对应的标的物。期货投资者的目的在于套期保值或者投机获利。 14. increasing both the stock and turnover of financial assets 既提高金融资产的存量又提高了金融资产的周转 金融资产产生经济效益,既可以通过存量的增长,也可以通过提高资产的周转速度来实现。此句中的stock和turnover分别指的是资产的“存量”和“周转”,而不能译为普通英文文本中常用的“股票”和“翻转”之意。 15. deregulation 放松管制 Deregulation is the act or process of removing or simplifying restrictions and regulations that constrain the operation of market forces. Governments generally initiate deregulation in order to promote competition within and improve productivity of those sectors or to invite new entrants to the deregulated industries. China Investment Corporation (CIC) 中国投资有限责任公司 China Investment Corporation (CIC) is an investment institution established as a wholly state-owned company under the Company Law of the People’s Republic of China and headquartered in Beijing. It was established on September 29th 2007. As a commercial investment institution, CIC is committed to maintaining the high professiona


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