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Notes to the text 8. The trouble, of course, is that “there are not a lot of places to put $30 million,” 随之而来的问题在于,“没有多少公司可以容得下3000万美元的投资。” super angels 超级天使基金 在风险投资行业的术语中,angel译为“天使投资人”,有时也被称为“商业天使”(Business Angel)。“天使投资人”一般来说是指一些富裕的个人,他们向初创公司提供资金,换取公司的可转换债权或者股权。super angel则指投资规模相对较大(比如由几个人合伙)的天使投资基金。目前在天使投资人(super angels)和风险投资者(venture capitalists)之间并没有被普遍认可的区分标准。 Notes to the text 10. And the need to invest in six-figure chunks often means coming on board later in a startups life cycle, when theres less risk and more ability to put large amounts of money to work. 必须要投入六位数的资金往往意味着在初创企业的生命周期中,(风险投资)进入的时机较晚,而在这个时候企业的风险已经较小,同时企业也有了运作大笔资金的更强能力。 Notes to the text 11. Moreover, the bigger the funds get, the less the general partners’ financial interests are aligned with those of their investors. 此外,风险基金的规模越大,一般合伙人与其投资者之间经济利益的一致性也就越差。 一般情况下,在风投有限合伙企业中,limited partner指出钱的一方(风险投资者),只投资资本而不参与公司管理;general partner,就是负责使用这些资金的一方,比如接收投资的初创公司,两方面合起来采用有限合伙的方式。 Notes to the text 12. the dead wood is working itself out of the industry finally, 那些行将就木的(风投)公司终于要退出这个行业, life science sectors 生命科学产业 The life sciences refer to the fields of science that involve the scientific study of living organisms, like plants, animals, and human beings. There exist a large number of startups within these sectors, such as the biotechnology and medical device industries. These startups provide investment opportunities for venture capital firms. Notes to the text 14. Wharton 沃顿商学院 The Wharton School is the business school of the University of Pennsylvania, an Ivy League university in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Wharton was the world’s first collegiate business school and the first business school in the United States. It is widely regarded as one of the top business schools in the world. 15. And cleantech companies have been able to do the nearly impossible lately: generate excitement in a depressed IPO market, as evidenced by Teslas recent first-day run-up. 最近,清洁技术公司已经做了一


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