金融英语chapter ten Financial Regulation.ppt

金融英语chapter ten Financial Regulation.ppt

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Financial English Chapter Ten Financial Regulation Learning objective: Lead-in questions Lead-in questions Background knowledge Brief Introduction to Financial Regulation Glossary Glossary Glossary Phrases Phrases Phrases Phrases Phrases Phrases Phrases Phrases Phrases Phrases Phrases Special Terms Notes to the text Notes to the text Notes to the text Notes to the text Notes to the text Notes to the text Notes to the text Notes to the text Notes to the text Notes to the text Notes to the text Key to exercises Key to exercises Key to exercises Key to exercises Key to exercises Key to exercises Key to exercises Key to exercises Key to exercises Key to exercises 14. Congress has been subject to a sustained lobbying effort from Wall Street, where executives fear business will shift to the likes of Deutsche Bank and Barclays. 华尔街一直以来都在游说(美国)国会,因为华尔街的高管们担心生意会被德意志银行和巴克莱银行等银行抢走。 15. AIG 美国国际集团 美国国际集团的全名是American International Group,是全球最大的国际性保险服务机构之一,业务遍及全球一百三十多个国家及地区。 16. Under the FSA’s new pay code for the UK, for example, senior bankers are receiving as little as 20 per cent of their bonuses paid in up-front cash, with the rest distributed in deferred share awards that vest over several years. 例如,根据英国金融服务监管局在英国实行的薪酬新规定,高级别银行人员现在只能以现金方式拿到其奖金的20%,其余部分将以延迟派息股的形式分好几年取得。 17. European bankers claim they are already haemorrhaging top earners to Hong Kong, Switzerland and New York, where less comprehensive restrictions are in place. 欧洲银行家们声称他们已经流失了许多高薪人才,这些人都跑到了香港、瑞士和纽约这些监管限制较少的地方。 18. For its part, the US has decided to place tougher restrictions on “proprietary trading”, banks making their own bets on financial markets rather than facilitating the bets of customers, without much expectation that Europe would follow suit. 美国已经决定对银行只顾自己在金融市场中交易而不协助客户交易的自营交易实施更严格的限制,同时对欧洲是否会跟进采取类似的措施并不抱多少希望。 19. Even if we get a notionally similar set of rules, the accounting field will still be extremely ripe for arbitrage by fleet-footed investment bankers, 即使我们有了一套名义上类似的规则


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