college romane 大学校园爱情college romance 大学校园爱情college romance 大学校园爱情college romance 大学校园爱情.ppt

college romane 大学校园爱情college romance 大学校园爱情college romance 大学校园爱情college romance 大学校园爱情.ppt

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* Love changes a coward (懦夫)into warrior(勇士), but also lets a warrior become coward. ---Shakespeare So ,what do you think of college romance??? The present situation of campus romance 1.Nearly 60% of students Most students expressed support for the campus love but the half think that the lovers in the campus are much too arbitrary. 2.Nearly 60% think it is very hard to avoid seeing couples in any corner. 3. About 30% students’ purpose to have a love affair lies in marriage and another 30% is just to gain experience of amativeness. 4.When it comes to the question“ What do you think is most important thing in choosing a lover?”more than 60% of the respondents chose the character. 5. And the same number of students can’t accept chicanery(欺骗) in the period of love and appreciate the traditional mode of love i.e. staying with their spouse and enjoying a plain life. 6. The data has also showed that 90% think that there is no proper choice for them. 7. about 60% respondent said they have no intention of love recently. 8 About 89% of the students don’t accept homosexual love(同性恋). Conclusion Nowadays ,modern students tend to hold an open heart towards campus romance. Compared with the past when free love is strictly prohibited,the main reason why this significant change has taken place may be the increasing attention on human rights especially the personal freedom. Moreover, the influence of the western countries can not be ignored as well. *



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