how to prepar for a flight attendant interviewhow to prepare for a flight attendant interviewhow to prepare for a flight attendant interviewhow to prepare for a flight attendant interview.doc

how to prepar for a flight attendant interviewhow to prepare for a flight attendant interviewhow to prepare for a flight attendant interviewhow to prepare for a flight attendant interview.doc

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Galley Gossip: How to prepare for a flight attendant interview by Heather Poole (RSS feed) on Jan 20th 2010 at 11:00AM Dear Heather, Im interested in becoming a flight attendant. I was wondering if you could give me a little advice as to what to expect in an interview, how should I prepare for it, etc. I would really appreciate it. Donna Dear Donna, Whatever you do, do not wear a canary yellow suit to the interview. Thats exactly what I did the first time I interviewed with a major airline. Needless to say, I didnt get hired. Not that that was a bad thing because I wound up (上足发条) graduating from college instead. Not to mention, I prefer the airline I work for now. That said, education is key. There arent many airlines hiring these days so competition is fierce. Only the most qualified will succeed. Since the aviation industry isnt as stable as it once was, its always a good idea to have something to fall back on. DRESS THE PART: If you want to become a flight attendant, try looking like one. Start by wearing a blue or black suit to the interview. Skirt length should be no more than an inch above the knee and pantyhose(连裤袜)are a must. Keep fingernails clean and polished and long hair pulled back or styled conservatively. Jewelry should be kept to a minimum - no dangly(吊,挂) earrings! Do not overdo the makeup. Think fresh and neat. BE YOURSELF: First impressions count. Its a nerve wracking experience, but try to relax and dont forget to smile. Introduce yourself to other candidates in the room. Airlines prefer applicants who are friendly. So be yourself, enjoy the moment, and laugh! Have fun. CONFIDENCE IS KEY: If your experience ends up being anything like mine, youll find yourself participating in a group interview with about four other candidates a lot like yourself. Its important to make a good impression. Keep it positive whenever answering a question, especially when discussing yourself or any past employers and coworkers. Also, dont be the last pers



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