Unit one Great Scientists.ppt

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Unit one Great Scientists 7. Who was the painter that studied dead bodies in order to improve his paintings of people? Match the scientists with their achievements Albert Einstein 1. evolution(进化论) Charles Darwin 2. discovery of radium Madame Curie 3. electric bulb Thomas Edison 4. theory of relativity Nicolas Copernicus 5. a brief history of time Stephen Hawking 6. the earth moves around Yuan Long ping the sun 7. father of hybrid rice Who put forward a theory about black holes? put forward: bring up, come up with eg: He put forward some useful advice at the meeting. We put forward Tom as monitor. 推荐 The meeting has been put forward to 2:00 pm. 提前 An interesting suggestion for measuring the atmosphere around Mars has been ________. A.put forward    B.put down C. put up D. put aside put aside _____________________ put away _____________________ put off _____________________ put on _____________________ put down _____________________ put out _____________________ put up _____________________ put up with _____________________ Considering your salary,you should be able to ________ at least twenty dollars a week. A.put forward B.put up C.put out D.put aside 【解析】 句意为“就你的工资而言,每周你应至少存20美元”。put forward提出;put up张贴;put out扑灭;put aside储存。 【答案】 D 4. conclude vt/vi ①come to a close____________ eg: ⑴ The meeting concluded at 8:00 pm. ⑵ She concluded her speech with a poem. ⑶ She concluded her speech by reading a poem. 归纳总结: ②decide sth as a result of what you see or hear ______________ eg. ⑴ What can you conclude from these facts? ⑵ After waiting for half an hour,I concluded that he wouldn’t come at all. 等了半个小时后,我断定他不会来了。 n. conclusion 结论,结束 * arrive at/come to/draw/reach a conclusion __________


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