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The Legend of ZhenHuan · in charge of the harem[h?r?m] 后宫 ·high status ·great power ·rich experience beautiful and noble dare to love and hate merciless 残忍的 pitiful (可怜的、令人同情的) 后宫 the Imperial Harem 冷宫 Cold Palace 慎刑司 Office of Punishment 圣母皇太后 Holy Mother Empress Dowager [da??d??](继承亡夫爵位的遗孀) 熹贵妃 Noble Consort(配偶) Xi 华妃 Consort Hua 莞嫔 Concubine(妾) Wan 沈贵人 Lady (在英国用在女贵族成员或爵士妻子名前) Shen 夏常在 First Attendant(侍者) 安答应 Second Attendant 1.Bitch is so bitch. 贱人就是矫情。 解读:bitch意指贱人。 3.Empress,hope you 10000 lucky and safe with gold. 皇后万福金安。 解读:无力解读 纯属恶搞。 Empresses in the Palace 宫里的妃子们 Farewell My Concubine 再见了 我的妾 Curse of the Golden Flower 黄金花的诅咒 The Duke of the Mount Deer 鹿山公爵 The Flowers of War 战地之花 Flirting Scholar 调情学者 Thank you~ * The story is about ZhenHuan ‘s whole life. It shows us that how she started from a pure girl to become a strong and mature woman. Basic Introduction Suspicious 多疑 Ambitious 雄心勃勃 The Emperor Yongzheng The Empress Consort Hua 美版:That bitch! 解读:简短有力,表现深刻恨意。 2.That is really really good enough. 这真真是极好的。 解读:“真真是极好的”是在传递“还不错”的意思。《甄嬛传》里的人物身份,决定了她们势必说话时会有些傲慢矫情。 美版:That is really good. 美版:Your Highness the Empress, may blessings and peace be with you. 4.Give you a 3.3333 meters red. 赏你一丈红。 解读:一丈红其实是一种惩罚。而华妃说话时故意用了赏这个词也可以看出她的凶狠。 美版:Consort Hua: The red hue(色调) of maple isnt very striking(突出的) this year. Songzhi: They say the maple turns brilliant red if dyed (染)with a little blood. Consort Hua: Is that true? Then I will award Attendant Xia the Scarlet Red. 5.美版:Your Majesty.Your Majesty! You have caused me so much pain! 美版:I truly cannot bear it! 在这后宫中,想要升就必须猜得中皇上的心思。想要活就要猜得中其他女人的心思。 To rise, you need to know the Emperor’s mind. To survive, you need to guess the other women’s mind. 别人帮你,那是情分。不帮你,那是本分。You are blessed if others help you, but they are not obliged to. be obliged to do sth. : 有义务做某事 再冷也不能拿别人的血来暖自己。 No matter how ruthless(残酷), you shouldn’t use ano


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