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The Bonaventure Hotel Century City Complex a 33-story building A city block is the smallest area that is surrounded by streets used in urban design. dark gray: Streets light gray: Alley; Sidewalks; Walkways Green: Parkways 街道- City Blocks街区 1. Cultural difference China: Winding streets; 依山傍水的建筑风格。 Western Countries: straight streets; urban design. 2. Shift of Perspective 视点转换 A complex is a group of buildings (designed for a particular purpose, or one large building divided into several smaller areas.) ...plans for constructing a new stadium and leisure complex. studio ? (a) place where cinema films are acted and photographed (电影)摄影棚. (b) (usu pl通常作复数), including all its buildings, offices, etc cinema company电影公司; 电影制片厂: Homework 1. Group work: Translation and presentation 1. 译语阅读(背景知识) 2. 翻译展示与分析 (4个译本,标明姓名) 3. 总结和心得 Lesson 1 No Giant Skyscrapers 教改内容: 1. 强调译前阅读——《加州建筑》,强化学生的译入语语言能力,为翻译实践打好坚实的基础。 2. 打破传统的以“产品”为主的翻译教学模式,强调“翻译过程”,注重学生对整个翻译过程的体验,包括译前活动(目的语阅读)、翻译的分析、转化和重构、以及译后活动(讨论及修改) 3.增加“五分钟翻译理论讲解”部分,以言简意赅的方式导入翻译策略,更多关注学生实践。 4.鼓励学生进行有个性的翻译,通过学生译文、老师译文、参考译文的激烈碰撞,实践以学生为中心,讨论式、开放式的教学模式。 Issues to Be Taught ?1. Five-minute translation tips-----Sentence Structure of English Simple sentences 2. Translation of “No Giant Skyscrapers” ?2.1. Pre-translation ?2.2. Translation Process and discussion 2.3. Post-translation---A Review ?1. 5-minute lecture: Translation Tips SV: The earth shakes. SVA: The most famous earthquake in California happened in 1906. SVC: The San Andreas Fault is a cause of earthquakes. SVO: People rebuilt the city. SVOA: She put her camera into her bag. SVoO: He taught us history. (bi-transitive verb) SVOC: These earthquakes make the fault bigger. A:obligatory adverbial(强制性状语) C: complement P26. 英语简单句的共同特点是:除了祈使语气之外,都必须有主语(S)和限定动词充当的谓语(V) complement 5 [N-COUNT] In grammar, the of a link verb is an adjective group or noun group which comes after the verb and describes or identif


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