The Jewish Funeral TypePad犹太人的葬礼 TypePad.pptVIP

The Jewish Funeral TypePad犹太人的葬礼 TypePad.ppt

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The Jewish Funeral TypePad犹太人的葬礼 TypePad

The Jewish Funeral Learning Objectives To know the customs and practices involved in the Jewish funeral and understand their meanings. To consider how these practices and customs help mourners to express their grief. Prayers for the dying A person who is known to be dying will not be left alone. Prayers will be said, and when the person has died a candle will be lit and placed beside the head. Upon hearing about a death, a Jew recites the words, Baruch dayan emet, Blessed be the one true Judge. The body is not left alone from until the burial. Why do you think it is important that someone always stays by the dead body? Chevra Kaddisha Every Jewish synagogue has a Chevra Kaddisha, a group of people who take over the arrangements for the funeral. Men are washed by men and are traditionally wrapped in their tallith. Women are washed by women and wear white. Traditionally the body is buried within 24 hours. How does it help a family if there is a group like the Chevra Kaddisha to arrange the funeral? Why do you think white is a traditional burial colour? The Coffin The body is usually buried in a plain wooden coffin to show they are all equal in death. The tallith used to wrap the deceased man will have had its fringes cut. This symbolises that the person no longer needs to follow the 613 mitzvot (commandments). At the Cemetery Jewish cemeteries have prayer halls for funerals. Prayers and a psalm are read in the prayer hall. The rabbi will give a eulogy for the dead person. A small tear will be made in the clothes of the mourners to symbolise their grief at the death of a loved one. Burial The coffin is lowered into the grave as the rabbi recites Psalm 91. Everyone present shovels some earth into the grave to help fill it. This is supposed to show that they have accepted the death of the person and are ready to get on with their own lives. The Jewish Cemetery The Jewish name for a cemetery is Bet ha-Hayyim.


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