The Perseus Myth SchoolRack英仙座的神话SchoolRack.pptVIP

The Perseus Myth SchoolRack英仙座的神话SchoolRack.ppt

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The Perseus Myth SchoolRack英仙座的神话SchoolRack

* * * * * * * * He is a descendant of Io, Zeus’ beloved, who had been turned into a cow and then made a goddess of Egypt. He was the first Greek hero of mythology (paved the way for Heracles) Also, like many heroes, he was conceived under unusual circumstances. Perseus’ grandfather, Acrisius had received word from the Delphic oracle that the child of his daughter, DANAE, would grow up to kill him. To prevent her from having a child, he imprisoned Danae in a tower of bronze with doors of oak always guarded by dogs. However, the crafty Zeus entered her prison by transforming himself into a shower of gold. -Danae tried to hide her child from her father, but eventually the baby was noticed. -Acrisius, fearful of the prophecy, locked both mother and baby in a chest and threw them into the sea. The chest with mother and child, both still alive, washed up on the shore of Seriphos. King Polydectes took them in, but he wanted to make Danae his wife. Danae wanted nothing to do with the icky, evil king. Polydectes decided that if he could get rid of Perseus, he would have a better chance with his mom, so he sent him on a quest to kill MEDUSA. A little background on Medusa…..Medusa was one of three sisters called the Gorgons. They had hair of snakes, sharp teeth, claws, and scales. They were so ugly that they turned people who looked at them directly into stone. How did these three sisters become so ugly? One word: Athena. Medusa was a very beautiful woman at one time—her best feature was her HAIR. Poseidon, god of the sea, was in love with Medusa. They met in all sorts of secretive places to…ahem…discuss their love. One such place was in a temple. The temple of Athena, the virgin goddess, to be exact. Athena was NOT happy. She punished Medusa and her two sisters with hideousness and the inability to ever have a boyfriend again. Once set on this journey to kill Medusa, Perseus suddenly wondered how on earth he could to it. He was aided by


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