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The Many Faces of PublishSubscribe cs发布订阅的许多面孔的CS.ucf.pptx

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The Many Faces of PublishSubscribe cs发布订阅的许多面孔的CS.ucf

The Many Faces of Publish/Subscribe Erin Collins Topics in Computer Science Spring 2011 Paper by: Patrick Eugster, Pascal Felber, Rachid Guerrapui and Anne-Marie Kermarrec Outline Introduction to Publish/Subscribe Paradigm Common Denominators of Pub/Sub Schemes How Pub/Sub compares to “Traditional” Interaction Schemes Variants of Pub/Sub Schemes Design and Implementation Why Publish/Subscribe? A Distributed System - thousands of entities-distributed all over the world-whose location and behavior greatly vary There is a demand for a more flexible communication system that reflects the dynamic and decoupled nature of the applications described above. Publish/Subscribe Basics Subscribers - have the ability to express their interest in or subscribe to an event or a pattern of events. Publishers – can publish or advertise events. Event Notification Service – provides storage and management for subscriptions and efficient delivery of events. Event Notification Service acts as a neutral trusted mediator between publishers and subscribers. Outline Introduction to Publish/Subscribe Paradigm Common Denominators of Pub/Sub Schemes How Pub/Sub compares to “Traditional” Interaction Schemes Variants of Pub/Sub Schemes Design and Implementation Space Decoupling The interacting parties (publishers and subscribers) do not need to know each other. Both parties go through the Event Service for all interactions Time Decoupling The interacting parties do not need to be actively participating in the interaction at the same time. Synchronization Decoupling Publishers are not blocked while producing events. Subscribers can get asynchronous notifications of occurrences of events while performing concurrent tasks. Production and consumption of events does not happen in main flow of control, so interaction does not have to be synchronized. Synchronization Decoupling Outline Introduction to Publish/Subscribe Paradigm Common Denominators of Pub/Sub Schemes How Pub/Sub compares to “Traditional”


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