The Iliad California State University, Northridge伊利亚特加利福尼亚州立大学北岭分校.pptVIP

The Iliad California State University, Northridge伊利亚特加利福尼亚州立大学北岭分校.ppt

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The Iliad California State University, Northridge伊利亚特加利福尼亚州立大学北岭分校

The Iliad Books 1-8 Some Features of Homer’s Style Special formulaic language of the aoidos such as fixed and recurring epithets and type scenes Exaggerated, leisurely pace of story-telling Dislike of suspense Fondness for lists (genealogies, catalogues), may derive from an oral way of organizing information Similes - far more common in the Iliad than the Odyssey; a way of stopping the action, commenting on it, enriching or judging it. Homeric Similes Homer and Plot Aristotle analyzed plot as a literary representation of a single action (praxis): its beginning, middle, and end. The action of the Iliad: the anger of Achilles. Modern films have 3 parts separated by a “plot point” (an incident that changes the direction of the story). Primary plot points of a 120 minute film appear at minutes 30 and 90, with a subordinate plot point at minute 60, the midpoint of the film. Homeric epic’s tripartite structure The Iliad Plot point 1: the quarrel between Achilles and Agamemnon, who takes away his concubine (Books 1-16). Secondary plot point: the embassy to Achilles Plot point 2: the death of Patroklus (Achilles avenges him and abandons his anger). Time frame of the Iliad The entire span of the epic is 51 days, but almost the entire poem is devoted to 4 days (Books 3-22). Narrative Units Invocation: “The Anger of Achilles” (1.1-7) Homer places the theme before us, in fact, in the first word. He begins not such much in medias res but at the beginning of his story (the anger). “Ransom of Chryseis” (1.8-611) Key concepts to know: geras (prize; visible representation of personal honor). time (honor, value, worth) kleos (immortal glory) menis (superhuman rage) What sets off the quarrel? Book 1.1-300: one of the greatest action sequences in literature. Homer defines the story of the double-bind, or Catch-22: no matter which way a character turns, he is ruined. Motif: the helpful mother No common goal can overcome individual conflict. To whom does Achilles turn for help?


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