The Masque of the Red Death Woodland Hills School District红色死亡假面的林地山学区.pptVIP

The Masque of the Red Death Woodland Hills School District红色死亡假面的林地山学区.ppt

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The Masque of the Red Death Woodland Hills School District红色死亡假面的林地山学区

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The Masquerade The Masquerade Vocabulary Define the vocabulary Complete Vocabulary in Action (463) Literary Term: Allusion Reference to a famous historical or literary figure or event Best sources are literature, history, Greek mythology, and the Bible Serves to explain or clarify or enhance whatever subject Literary Term: Gothic Elements Supernatural horrors and an atmosphere of unknown terror pervades the action High emotion, sentimentalism, but also pronounced anger, surprise, and especially terror Use of words indicating fear, mystery: apparition, devil, ghost, haunted, terror, fright, fainting Literary Term: Symbol Something that is itself and yet also represents something else Universal symbols embodying universally recognizable meanings Invested symbols give symbolic meaning by the way an author uses them in a literary work Symbols are very common in literature Allegory: A Story Behind a Story An allegory is a narrative that is really a double story. One story takes place on the surface. Under the surface the story’s characters and events represent abstract ideas or states of being, things like love or freedom, evil or goodness, hell or heaven. To work, an allegory must operate on two levels. On the level of pure storytelling, an allegory must hold our attention. Its characters must seem believable and interesting enough for us to care about them. On the allegorical level the ideas in the story must be accessible to us. As you read, you should find that the allegorical level of the story gradually begins to strike you. See if you find that Poe’s story of arrogance and death hooks you on both levels. The Masque of the Red Death: Background Poe’s fictional Red Death is probably based on the Black Death, which swept fourteenth-century Europe and Asia, killing as many as two thirds of the population in some regions in less than twenty years. Poe calls the plague “the Red Death” because victims oozed blood from painful so


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