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2.1-d 機構問題- R角 2.1-e 機構問題-強度 2.1-e 機構問題-強度 2.2-a肉厚問題-縮水 2.2-a 肉厚問題-縮水 2.2-b肉厚問題-陰影 2.2-b 肉厚問題-陰影 2.5-b 加工問題-公模R角 R 0.0mm R 0.2mm 增加全圓角 From To 增加全圓角是為了方便加工 2.5-b 加工問題-公模R角 From To A A Section A-A Section A-A 整周 R2.5 整周 R2.0 整周 作如下之修改為了補強模仁鐵料及防止成品縮水。同時為了加工方便。 2.6-a 表面處理-咬花(拔模角) 3o 3.5o From To 2.6-b 表面處理-咬花(分模面) R0 R0.3 around 增加咬花邊界 From To 公模板 托板 上頂出板 下頂出板 下固定板 Top view 2.1-c 機構問題-頂出(強制頂出) 0.7mm 0.25mm 1.2mm 0.9mm C 角(0.5*2mm) C 角(0.3*2mm) From To 2.1-c 機構問題-頂出(BOSS) lifter To From 避免模仁尖角,將R角取消. 2.1-d 機構問題- R角 R 0.5mm R 0.0mm to from 避免模仁尖角,將R角取消. From to 小細縫存在 2mm 建議將肋移動2mm 11.7mm 1.06mm 11.7mm 2.0mm Add R0.5mm 增加模具強度 From To 2.1-e 機構問題-強度 此處會有0.7的薄鐵料,影響模具強度. 0.7mm 0.6mm 建議圖示處A卡勾與另外兩側B卡勾一樣 A B B A A B From To From To If don’t change the thickness, sink mark will appear on the outside surface. So we suggest to modify all ribs. 1.0mm 0.8mm 0.6mm 0.6mm 2.2-a 肉厚問題-縮水 From To 防止縮水 增加“火山口” 肉厚問題-縮水 From To 1.0mm 1.0mm 2.2-a肉厚問題-縮水 From To 3mm 3mm 1.5mm 3mm 30° To avoid sink mark on the appearance of the part, we suggest to modify it. R0.5 2.2-a 肉厚問題-縮水 2.2-a 肉厚問題-縮水 From To To avoid sink mark on the appearance of the part 3mm 4.5mm 1.8mm 3mm 3mm 11.4mm 2.2-a肉厚問題-縮水 From To 2.5mm 0.65mm 2.5mm 1.2mm R0.3 R0.2 From To If don’t change the thickness, sink mark issue will appear in outside surface. So we suggest to modify all. 0.8mm 1.3mm 0.65mm 1.3mm 2.2-a 肉厚問題-縮水 From To To avoid sink mark on the appearance,we suggest to add three holes. ?1.7mm 1.0mm ?0.7mm 2.2-a 肉厚問題-縮水 3.5mm 1.5mm 2.0mm 2.0mm 2.0mm From To 1.2mm 0.8mm Avoid sink mark on the appearance. 1° 0.5° increase mass keep keep (Increase the thickness) Add a channel here (all around) 2.2mm 1.4mm keep 2.2-b 肉厚問題-陰影 R0.3mm From To Cancel From To 此處台階會影響外觀 加大R角過渡 From To 2.2-b 肉厚問題-陰影 3.0mm Add chamfer 2.50mm 1.30mm To From 1.80mm 2.2-b肉厚問題-陰影 From to 0.35mm 2.2-c 肉厚問題-尖角 Sharp 0.5mm Cut it From To 尖角 C0.5 2.2-c肉厚問題-尖角 From To 2.2-d肉厚問題-膠位太薄 0.28mm 1mm From To 0.6mm 0.8mm From T


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