United Nations Principles for Older Persons viewed though the eyes of visually impaired seniors.pdfVIP

United Nations Principles for Older Persons viewed though the eyes of visually impaired seniors.pdf

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United Nations Principles for Older Persons viewed though the eyes of visually impaired seniors.pdf

International Congress Series 1282 (2005) 428–432 United Nations’ Principles for Older Persons viewed though the eyes of visually impaired seniors Olga Overburya,b,*, Walter Witticha, Pat Spadaforac aConcordia University, Department of Psychology PY-146, 7141 Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H4B 1R6 bLow Vision Centre, McGill University, Montreal, Canada cSheridan Elder Research Centre, Sheridan College, Oakville, Canada Abstract. In December 1991, the UN General Assembly adopted The United Nations’ Principles for Older Persons, which were proclaimed again during the International Year of Older Persons in 1999. Governments were encouraged to incorporate these five principles of independence, participation, care, self-fulfillment and dignity into their national programs, whenever possible. The purpose of this paper is to present and re-examine these principles as they pertain to visually impaired persons and the services, which are rendered to them at the present time. Since these original statements are broad, they are difficult to assess and implement on a global level. By translating the principles into the language of the program of interest, in this case, visual impairment, their implementation and assessment become more manageable endeavours. It is our responsibility to translate rhetoric of international standards into action by strategically addressing the UN Principles within our profession. The researchers, the service providers, the clients and the community at large need to change their thinking to acting locally while thinking globally. This should inevitably result i



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