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speak the plain truth without being delicate or sensitive (非正式)直言不讳 e.g. Small kids usually call a spade a spade when they know little about society. 小孩子因为不了解社会,所以往往是童言无忌。 call a spade a spade What I appreciate most about him is that he is not afraid to call a spade a spade in any situation. 我最欣赏他的一点是他在任何情况下都直言不讳。 Practice : 1) move the smooth surface of; make uneven 把……弄乱;使……起伏不平 e.g. Don’t ruffle my hair; I’ve just combed it. 别弄乱我的头发,我刚梳好。 2) trouble or upset, esp. causing a loss of confidence 扰乱;打扰;使烦恼 e.g. The class seemed to be out of control with loud cries and laughter, ruffling the new head teacher. 班级似乎失去了控制,满是喊叫声和嘻笑声;新来的班主任对此烦恼不已。 ruffle I was ruffled by the way my son turned a deaf ear to what I told him. 2. 我儿子把我的话当耳边风,这让我很烦恼。 The bird is ruffling its beautiful feathers. 1. 那只鸟正在摆弄它的漂亮羽毛。 vt. Practice : n. [C] any of the soft hair-like material that grows on a bird’s body 羽;羽毛 e.g. Feathers are a characteristic (which is) specific to birds. 羽毛是鸟类所特有的。 feather Just as people wear fashionable clothes, some birds have bright feathers. 正如人类穿时髦服装一样,某些鸟类长有色彩艳丽的羽毛。 Expressions Practice : make someone slightly angry or upset (非正式)使人不高兴或生气 e.g. You ruffled your father’s feathers when you said that your life had nothing to do with him. 当你说你的生活与你父亲无关时,你惹他不高兴了。 ruffle someone’s feathers I knew someone had ruffled her feathers when my roommate didn’t say a word to me that night. 当我室友那晚没理睬我时,我就知道有人惹恼了她。 Practice : 1) quickly and willingly 乐意地;很快地 e.g. I readily accepted his invitation to have dinner with him. 我很快就答应了和他一起用餐。 2) with no difficulty 容易地 e.g. I bought a sofa that can readily be converted into a bed at night. 我买了张晚上能轻易改成床的沙发。 readily Fresh fruits are readily available in supermarkets. 2. 在超市很容易买到新鲜水果。 1. 他有求必应。 He readily helps others when asked. adv. Practice : allow to share (a secret or something secret) (非正式)告知(秘密等);把……透露给 e.g. I let my best friend in on whatever secrets I h


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