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Robert Frost ( 1874-1963 ) Robert Frost ( 1874-1963 ) He used to say he was one and a half men—a half teacher, a half farmer, and a half poet. It took 20 years for him to get recognition. Robert Frost ( 1874-1963 ) His first volume of poetry was published in England in 1913, with the help of Ezra Pound, which was entitled A Boys Will. When he went back to his home country, he found himself famous. He later received honorary degrees from 44 colleges and universities, won the Pulitzer Prize four times, and was invited to read his poem at the inauguration of President J. F. Kennedy in 1961 His other collections of poems North of Boston Mountain Interval , 1916 New Hampshire , 1923, Pulitzer Prize winner Collected Poems , 1930, Pulitzer Prize winner A Further Range , 1937, Pulitzer Prize winner A Witness Tree , 1942, Pulitzer Prize winner Complete Poems , 1949 In the Clearing , 1962 Robert Frost ( 1874-1963 ) Frost depicts mostly New England landscape, but his poetry reflects the fragmentation of modern experience and alienation among modern men. The world of Frost can be appalling and terrifying. However, Frost had a lovers quarrel with the world. He is concerned with constructing a momentary stay against confusion. He wrote in Wordsworthian style plain speech of rural New Englanders, short traditional forms of lyric and narrative. He used symbols from everyday country life to express his deep ideas. Robert Frost ( 1874-1963 ) He had a lot of Emerson in him, seeing nature as a storehouse of analogy and symbol. In his probing into the mysteries of darkness and the indifferent universe, we see a great moral uncertainty. What he was doing was to explore the complexity of human existence through treating seemingly trivial subjects. Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening雪夜伫立林边有感 林主曾相识, 村中有其舍, 未悉我在此, 凝视林中雪。 小马颇多疑, 荒野何伫立? 林边冻湖间, 岁末黑夜里。 小马摇缰铃, 似问有否误, 唯闻飒飒声, 寒风共雪舞。 密林景色美 信誓不可移, 安眠不可得, 尚须行数里。 Stopping By Woods On A Snowy E


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