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Unit 1 Internship Unit 1 Internship Part A Lead in Part A Lead in Task 1 Study the pictures and discuss the questions below in small groups. Use the words given below if necessary. Do you plan to look for an internship ? 2. What is the relationship between undergraduate internship and career opportunities? Part A Lead in Task 1 Study the pictures and discuss the questions below in small groups. Use the words given below if necessary. 1. Do you plan to look for an internship ? 2. What is the relationship between undergraduate internship and career opportunities? Part A Lead in Task 2 Listen to the following short dialogues and fill in the blanks. Dialogue 1 M: Morning, Sophia. There was an on-campus ________ yesterday, right? W: Yes. You weren’t there? M: Sadly, no. I was ______________. My mother got ill. W: Sorry to hear that. Wish her a quick ___________. M: Thanks. By the way, any good news about your job search yesterday? W: No. I got ___________ by a company, which I like very much, but it turned out that they needed a graduate with relevant work experience. M: I see. But haven’t you done any part-time job or taken any _________ before? W: How I wish I had. Part A Lead in Task 2 Listen to the following short dialogues and fill in the blanks. Dialogue 2 M: Hey, Lucy. W: You look so happy. Tell me about it. Don’t keep me __________, OK? M: Hah … It’s actually ___________. I got an internship with Huawei Technologies, and I’m going there next Monday. W: Wow … Good for you. Congratulations. M: Thank you. But I’m a bit __________. I’m not sure if I can do it well. W: Take it easy. You just need to be an active _________ and try to get yourself ___________. M: That’s it? Really? OK, I’ll do my best. Wish me luck. W: Mmm, I’m sure you will do a brilliant job. Good luck. Part A Lead in Task 3 Discuss the following questions. Do you think it necessary for graduating students t


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