Great People教学课件2.pptVIP

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Great People教学课件2

Unit2 Integrated skills 精品课件 explorer, film star, astronaut, director, detective, president rock and roll, basketball player, scientist I. Fill the blank with the words of the box. A: Are you fond of reading books? B: Yes. I spend much time reading biographies(传记) of great people. Last week, I read a book about Lincoln, a great US _________. A: I love reading books about great people, too. I am reading a book written by Xu Xiake. He was the greatest traveler and _________in history, I think. B: I like reading magazines and newspapers as well. I read two reports yesterday. One is about Steven Chow. He is my favourite _________. He created many interesting characters. The other is about Cui Jian. He is famous for his _____________. He is a pioneer(先锋) in music. president explorer film star rock and roll A: Cui Jian is one of my favorite musicians. I like his music. And I am also crazy about sports. I watched a report of Kobe Bryant yesterday. He is a talented __________________and has won several titles. B: There are so many people in history. I want to be famous, I want to be a successful _________when I grow up. I wish I would be the first Chinese to step onto Mars! A: Maybe you would. But it’s hard to realize this dream. I just want to be a _________and solve crimes. Or maybe I can be a _________and make films. I wish I could win an Oscar. I also dream to be a _________as great as Albert Einstein. B: I think we really dream big! basketball player astronaut detective director scientist II.根据句子意思以及所给的汉语提示, 完成句子。 1.他是我所见过的最高的人。 He is the tallest man __________________. 2. 你有没有听说过一个叫Paul的电影演员? _________________________an actor called Paul? I have ever seen Have you ever heard of 3. 你知道谁发明了第一架照相机吗? Do you know _________________________? 4. 我想知道谁使太极在世界这么流行。 I wonder who ______________________________. who invented the first camera made Tai ji so popular in the world. 5. 我不知道他是不是那个发现了Xena的天文学家(astronomer)。 I don’t



