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08年06期发排稿 赵晓雯 3面 无图 输卵管栓塞术在体外受精-胚胎移植前处理输卵管积水中的应用 李 强 匡延平 傅永伦 范莉萍 石海斌 目的 )法 ,将输卵管积水引流进入腹腔吸收,而后进行输卵管选择性插管,将微弹簧圈通过微导管送入输卵管间质部和峡部。个月后再行子宫输卵管造影术,检查栓塞的效果。 行输卵管栓塞86例患者,共栓塞条输卵管,插管均一次性成功。显示最佳效果者条输卵管,占%;有效者条输卵管,占%; 无效者为0。 论 【关键词】 介入治疗; 体外受精-胚胎移植; 输卵管栓塞; 微弹簧圈 of fallopian tubs embolization before in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer LI Qiang* , KUANG Yan-ping , YANG Huilin , FU Yong-lun SUN Hong, FAN Liping, SHI Haibin. *Department of Gynecology Intervention, Shanghai Pudong new area health care hospital for women and children, Shanghai 201206 [Abstract] Objective Identification of interventional treatment of fallopian tubes embolization, which is a pretreatment of hydrosalpinx before in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer (IVF- ET). Methods First, the operation for hysterosalpingography is performed to show the positions and shape of the hydrosalpinx . Then the hydrops is drawn into the celiac in order to be absorbed after performing fallopian tube recanalization. Finally, transvaginal therapy is performed ,putting the embolization microcoils into the fallopian tube through a micro catheter.. 作者单位: 201206 上海市浦东新区妇幼保健院妇科介入治疗室 (李 强, 杨慧琳,孙 红,范莉萍, 石海斌);上海交通大学附属第九医院生殖中心(匡延平、傅永伦); 通信作者:李强 Email: liqiang1110@ Results The interventional treatment of 150 fallopian tubes got one-off success among 86 cases of fallopian tubes embolization. Among them, 126 fallopian tubes achieved good results, amount to84.00% of the total.24 fallopian tubes were effective, amount to 16.00% of the total. No one is invalid. Conclusions The new technology fills in the gaps in the application of interventional treatment in the IVF- ET. It’s a medical breakthrough in the development of IVF- ET. The rate of pregnancy increased significantly. Fallopian tube pregnancy is prevented. The feature of the new technology just remedies the defects of the four common methods which are used at present. The anaesthesia complication and the suffe


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