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2015高考英语单项选择一轮练习 Ⅰ.单项填空1.The man we followed suddenly stopped and looked around as if ______whether he was going in the right direction. A.seeing B.having seenC.to see D.to have seen 2.—Is there any possibility of the film ________in Paris International Festival? —Not in the least,because audience generally think little of it. A.trying out B.tried outC.to try out D.being tried out 3.The boy ________his breakfast in order to get to school on time. A.choked down B.choked backC.choked off D.choked up 4.How much you earn is not very important. It is how you earn the money that________. A.counts B.valuesC.minds D.means 5.Thanks to Dr.Yuan Longping,the output of rice________ steadily in China in the past few years. A.increased B.has been increasingC.is increasing D.increases 6.Obviously,TV plays an important part in people’s lives,for it brings us ________ images from around the world. A.casual B.visualC.gradual D.spiritual 7.—ONeal works hard. —So he does. He is often seen ________heavily before his teammates have even arrived at practice. A.to be sweated B.sweatedC.be sweated D.sweating 8.He hurried to the booking office only ________that all the tickets have been sold out. A.to be told B.to tellC.told D.telling 9.________there were more people donating money to charity collections! A.Only if B.If onlyC.What if D.How about 10.I cant understand ________a decision until it is too late. A.him to postpone to makeB.his postpone to make C.him to postpone makingD.his postponing making 11.Ill never forget the days ________I worked hard at my lessons in Senior Three,________changed my whole life. A.that;which B.when;whichC.which;when D.when;that 12.The police officers are on duty during the Spring Festival _______ people can live a peaceful and happy festival. A.in case B.as ifC.in order that D.only if 13.________heavily,the ship sank quickly into water,resulting in only a few people surviving. A.Loading


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