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本科毕业设计(论文) 题目:汽车配件轮边防尘罩冲压模具设计 系 别: 机电信息系 专 业: 机械设计制造及其自动化 班 级: 学 生: 学 号: 指导教师: 2013年05月 汽车配件轮边防尘罩冲压模具设计 摘要 本设计是汽车配件轮边防尘罩冲压模具设计,分析工件结构,其主要包括落料;拉深;冲孔;修边。首先确定工艺方案,选择一个比较合理的设计方案。其次,根据设计方案确定一共需要多少副模具来完成轮边防尘罩的生产。在本次设计中,采用三副模具来生产该工件。第一副是落料拉深,第二副是冲孔,第三副是修边。每副模具的设计中都包括凸凹模刃口尺寸的确定和结构形式,定位零件的设计,卸料与推件装置的设计,以及其它辅助零件的设计。在模具的设计过程中首先要考虑零件工作的合理性,然后考虑零件的经济性。 关键词:工艺分析;方案确定;落料拉深;修边冲孔 Blanking Die Design of Dust Cover of The Wheel Rim Abstract? This design is blanking die design of dust cover of the automobile wheel rim, including blank; deep drawing; punch; modification, through the structure analysis of work piece.?First, determination of technological arrangement is for choosing the best alternatives in this design. Second, according to the proposal of this design, we should decide that how many moulds are used to complete production of dust cover of the automobile wheel rim. In this design, three moulds are applied in this process. The compound for blanking and deep drawing is used in the first process. Punch are practiced in second process. Similarly, the third mould is used for modification in the last process. One each of these moulds design is consisted of the sizes of punch and die cutting edge, location components, tripping and ejection equipment, and assistant structure parts. In the process of mould design, we should consider the reasonableness of working parts, and then take the cost of parts production. Key words: Technological analysis; Determination of arrangements; Blank and deep drawing; Modification and punch 目 录 1 绪 论 1 1.1冲压与冷冲模概念 1 1.2模具工业在当今市场的发展状况和前景 1 1.3 模具在现代工业中的地位 2 1.4 冲压工艺的种类 2 1.5 冲压行业阻力和障碍与突破 3 2 冲压件的工艺过程 5 2.1 分析零件的冲压工艺性 5 2.1.1 分析其冲裁的工艺性 5 2.1.2 分析其拉深的工艺性 6 2.1.3 材料的性能 9 2.2 冲压件的工艺方案的拟定 9 2.3 毛坯尺寸的确定 10 3 排样和搭边 11 3.1冲裁件的材料利用率 11 3.2 排样和搭边 12 4 压力机的选择 14 4.1 落料拉深 14 4.1.1 压力中心 14 4.1.2压边力、拉深力的计算 15 4.1.3 压力机的选


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