create opptunity for nature wangboya sunchao zhaoyang.pdf

create opptunity for nature wangboya sunchao zhaoyang.pdf

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create opptunity for nature wangboya sunchao zhaoyang

urban nature CREATE OPPORTUNITY FOR NATURE 3rd year final assignment Sunchao Wangboya zhaoyang CONTENT 01 SITE CONDITION 02 SITE ANALYSIS 03 DESIGN 04 RESEARCH ON DETAIL 05 APPENDIX Eco-Systems Shanghai Relationship between Urban and Nature t h e c u r r e n t r e l a t i o n s h i p between urban and nature. ideal relationship between urban and nature. CAD Site the top roof the gap roof the ground Photos of Environment CONCEPT HOW DOES AN ECO SYSTEM WORK BEST? HOW CAN PEOPLE EXPERIENCE IT BUT NOT INTERFERE IT? How does an eco-system work best and how can people experience it but not interfere it is how we started this project. The idea is rather not design an landscape but to bring nature into this local contect. And from that, we have five dimensions to really achieve the goal we have set. A l a r g e r p a t c h h a s b e t t e r chance to survive and thrive. Also, a larger patch will have better diversity. 5d system Vert ical greening connect horizontal patchs with each other. 3 dimensional greening system will have the best efficiency at creating ecosystem DIMENSION 1 DIMENSION 2 DIMENSION 3 DIMENSION 4 DIMENSION 5 people will walk in the whole ecosystem to achieve the goal of not interfere it. The landscape will thrive in time. different stages and different seasons will have different views. The s tate of th i s patch wi l l remain healthier if the patch is continous. the lowest point of this site, able to collect water and improve urban runoff. the best sunshine provides a possibility for agriculture. being in the gap limits the sunshine , also have the possibility to collect water. have great view of the plaza, and also able to connect patchs. have the larggest space, the most diver- sity and the most view. agriculture sun plants ombrophyte water plants The shading condition has much to do with what plant to grow. according to how much sunshine the roof can get. The roof has a certain angle that all wate


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