第三章 主要分部分项工程施工方法.doc

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第三章 施工方案和施工方法 3.1大中型机械选择 该建筑物为混凝土框架结构,考虑该工程量小,场地面积小,采用JMS-100的提升架,数量二台。 3.2基础工程 本工程为桩基础,其施工顺序为:平整场地→测量放线→钻机定位→成孔→下钢筋笼体→灌注→清桩间土→凿桩间土→做护帽先用油漆刷蘸胶在阴阳角、水落口、管道及烟囱根部等复杂部位均匀地涂刷一遍,然后用长拖滚刷进行大面积涂刷施工厚度应均匀一致,切勿反复来回涂刷,也不得漏刷露底。涂刷基层处理剂后,常温下干燥4h以上,手感不粘时,即可进行下道工序的施工阴阳角质量要求 防水材料的品种、规格和性能必须符合设计要求和有关规定。防水材料进场后必须进行检查、验收,并按规定进行抽样复试,复试不合格不得使用。在使用过程中发现产品质量问题,随时复试。 卷材防水层的铺贴方法和搭接、收头符合施工规范规定,粘结牢固稳定,接缝封严,无损伤、空鼓等缺陷 卷材防水层及其变形缝、檐口、泛水、水落口、预埋件等处的细部做法,必须符合设计要求和施工规范规定。 卷材表面不得积水。基层处理 →找标高、弹线→抹找平层砂浆→弹铺砖控制线→铺砖→勾缝、擦缝→养护→踢脚板安装 1.6 high vocational designed manufacturing class national career qualification education training programme--car detection and maintenance technology professional teaching plans a, and training target and training specifications car detection and maintenance technology professional training oriented car Hou market of car maintenance, and car sales and after-sales service integration enterprise, and and and car using and maintenance about of career field of production, and service, and management line post, training support party of line, adapted car maintenance, and car using front line need, de, and wisdom, and body, and beauty full development, Has good all-around professional ability, knowledge of professional theoretical knowledge and good practice, can successfully enter car market employment, through vocational training, continuing education, self-taught, to continue learning channels to achieve all-round development in all aspects of vehicle inspection and maintenance technology of high quality workers. Through the system of training, so that students have a scientific world Outlook, Outlook on life and the spirit of patriotism, collectivism 1.6 high vocational designed manufacturing class national career qualification education training programme--car detection and maintenance technology professional teaching plans a, and training target and training specifications car detection and maintenance technology professional training oriented car Hou market of car ma


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