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对“假离婚”现象的法律思考 摘 要 21世纪以来,“假离婚”成为一个热门的话题,或者说,“假离婚”成为一种普遍的有效的可以用来获取不当利益的手段。婚姻,对于国人来说,一向是神圣而庄重的,但是在现代经济社会的冲击下,为了以最小的成本获取最大的利益,人们开始通过“假离婚”的方法,利用国家政策和法律规定的漏洞,为自己谋取好处。“假离婚”带来的负面影响是巨大的,它不仅破坏了家庭稳定和社会秩序,更损害了国家利益和践踏了法律的尊严,已经得到广大人民群众的重要关注。 面对层出不穷的“假离婚”现象,我们需要制定相关措施来遏制这种现象的蔓延。首先要全面了解“假离婚”现象的发生原因和具体表现,其次要充分认识到“假离婚”现象所带来的物质风险和法律风险,最后,法律部门应当制定出更完善的规章制度,和政府部门、社会公众相互配合,才能从根本上解决这个问题。 关键词:假离婚; 概念; 现状; 影响; 对策 Legal Thoughts on fake divorce phenomenon ABSTRACT Since the 21st century, “False divorce” has become a hot topic.Or to say,“False Divorce” has become a common means of effective can be used to gain improper benefit., For Chinese,marriage has long been a sacred and solemn,but under the impact of the modern economic society.In order to with the minimum cost to obtain the biggest benefit,people started by using the method of “False Divorce”, use of national policy and the law loophole, for their own benefits.The negative impact of False Divorce is huge,it not only destroyed the family stability and social order, more damage to the interests of the state and trampling on the dignity of law, has gained important attention to the people. In front of the“False Divorce” phenomenon emerge in endlessly, we need to formulate relevant measures to curb the spread of the phenomenon.We need to formulate relevant measures to curb the spread of the phenomenon.First to fully understand the phenomenon of “False Divorce” causes and specific performance, secondly should fully recognize the material brought by the phenomenon of“ False Divorce”risk and legal risk, finally, the legal department should develop a more perfect rules and regulations, and government departments, social the public to cooperate with each other, can fundamentally solve the problem. Key words:False divorce; Concept; actuality; Influence; countermeasures 目 录 摘要...........................................................IV ABSTRACT.............................................


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