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Module 5 Unit 2 The environment 一.词汇复习篇: 【单词】 1. debate vt/vi/n. 争论;辩论 ▲ debate sth. 讨论某事 ▲ debate + wh-clause 讨论… ▲ debate about/on sth. 争论某事 I debated (on/upon) the question with Mary. 我和玛丽辩论了这个问题。 The debated who was to blame for the failure. 他们讨论谁应该为失败受责备。 2. voice v. 表达;吐露; n. 看法;意见 A spokesman voiced the workers’ dissatisfaction. 发言人表达了工人的不满。 Before this new plan comes into effect, we would like to hear the voice of the workers. 新计划实施前,我们愿意倾听一下工人们的意见。 3. These boats catch large numbers of fish without giving them time to lay eggs. lay vt. (鸟,虫等)下蛋;产卵,放;搁置 (laid, laid, laying) These hens are not laying eggs. 这些母鸡没有在下蛋。 Lay your coat on the bed. 把你的大衣放在床上。 We’re going to lay a new table cloth. 我们要铺一块新桌布。 【拓展】lie — lied — lied — lying 撒谎 lie — lay — ain — lying 躺;位于 4. The figure is now approaching 6.5 billion people. approach vt/vi. 接近;靠近;处理;解决 n. 方法;方式;道路; ▲ the approach to (doing) sth. (做) 某事的方法 Spring is approaching. 春天就要来临。 We heard the sound of an approaching car. 我们听到一辆车驶近的声音。 He is approaching 80. 他差不多80岁了。 We approached the camp silently. 我们悄悄走近营地。 An investigative group will approach the nuclear problem in Iran. 一个调查小组将处理伊朗的核问题。 5. It would be beneficial to expand our recycling industry, and teach people about environmentally friendly ways of living. expand v. 扩大;增加;增强; expansion n. Metals expand when they are heated. 金属受热会膨胀。 Student numbers are expanding rapidly. 学生人数在迅速增长. We’ve expanded the business by opening two more store 我们增开了两个商店以扩展业务。 6. The world’s population has grown to more than six times what it was in 1800. 倍数表达法: A is twice as big as B. A is twice bigger than B. A is twice the size of B. A is twice what it was … 【归纳】不管是哪一种结构中,倍数词一定要放在表示比较的结构前面。 7. It is obvious that you are very concerned about the present situation of our environment. ▲ It is obvious that… 很显然…; obviously adv. 显然地;明显地 I


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