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M9U1复习检测卷 一、单词 1. Embracing globalization, Shanghai has become one of the most ________ cities in the world. 2. It is better to be ________ with what one has than to risk losing everything by being too greedy. 3. The spokesman is so careful as not to say anything ________. 4. It is quite a ________ to see a movie star in the flesh. 5. Your unexpected visit forced me to abandon the route I had ________ planned. 6. But with nearly all their energy going to their jobs and their daughter, there’s been no time for ________. 7. We should make a ________ analysis of each specific question. 8. Beauty can not be measured by any ________ standard. 9. It’s great. I play with the two best players in the ________. 10. He says they will be given temporary shelters and medical care, while ________ authorities decide what to do with them. 11. In 1986, the Chinese government introduced a law that every Chinese child should have nine years of c________ education. 12. Canada is a________ in natural resources, such as fresh water and forests. 13. To see more from the p________, click through on any of the photos that you like. 14. Weather forecast says today high temperature will be 38 degree c________. 15. We hope for a lasting s________ of all these troubles. 二、单选 1. Though jobs are not easily available these days, ______ opportunities exist for well qualified hunters. A. abundant B. significant C. approximate D. efficient 2. ______ with a new type of machine, the explorers went into a cave, hoping to find some buried treasures. A. Equipping B. Equipped C. Being equipped D. Having equipped 3. Our class is a big one, which______ sixty-eight students. A. is consisted of B. consists of C. makes up D. made up 4. I think you should go back to your ______ plan, which is much more practical than the present one. A. random B. original C. abstract D. ridiculous 5. ______ genes, intelligence also depends on an adequate


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