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The students in most middle schools___________(not allow) to use mobile phones at school. Remember that everyone can do something to make a __________ ( different ) to our nature. They hope to a_________ (实现;达成)their aims by the end of the year. 4. Many children can’t go to school in that country, ________(大部分地) from poor families.’t know what caused the boy’s ___________ ( blind ). English is __________(广泛地)used in many ways. The old man _____________( be ) ill in hospital since last month. A sports meeting ____________ ( hold ) in our school every spring. All of the students have made up their minds ____________ ( learn ) English well. I am used to __________ ( get ) up early every morning. UNICEF helps build a better world for everyone, _______ (尤其)children all over the world. All the kids were greatly surprised when they heard that a cow has four ____________. (胃) The project are ___________ (期待)to continue next week. He has ___________ the present for his mother for a few days. (买) Living together with my friends was a great ___________. ( pleasant ) What a good time we had ____________ with my pen friend by e-mail! ( communication ) The building in that poor town look far ____________ than the ones here. ( ugly ) Some husbands care less about their ____________ feelings and don’t want share housework with them. ( wife ) Your will __________ (惩罚)if you are found copying others’ homework. I felt so _____________ (自豪)of myself when I finished the work alone. Reading history books can improve our ______________ (知识)of the past. Let’s have a ____________ (discuss) about our class trip. Children should be taught to spend their free time ___________ (wise). The patient is too poor to receive ____________ (medicine) treatment. The boy had trouble ____________ (explain) the question. The organization ___________ up in 1949. ( set ) It’s difficult for a common young man to _________(买得起)to buy a flat in modern cities. The dictionary __________ (包括)almost all the Engli


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