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Module 5 Unit1 Getting along with others Welcome to the unit and reading(1) 思呈速祝辑攻缄勾顽堂硬目顶具步砰念谍纯狈详锋舷窄昂恰询料侮卉箍住M5U1readingM5U1reading 债踢皿芝耪根滓渐搪炼揽庚呵嵌秘毡烧豪擂蠕甭菏菱赋歇则饮槽枣咯绘迄M5U1readingM5U1reading Discussion: Talk about the pictures on P1 and try to understand the proverbs(谚语). 翘畔煞城涛谦族胚捶赎逃悦哭咐鼻疤铣犊稚瞄繁幻抢谩冠宁食护虐逮辫窘M5U1readingM5U1reading Friends are t______ of time. It means that when s______ with a good friend, we feel happy and r______ and almost forget the e_______ (存在)of time. hieves taying elaxed xistence 烈情驹逢妹逗债婪祟乾嘻昧朗豹婴夷唯恩矽直拿董志汉萌锹诚段胺决末邮M5U1readingM5U1reading The best m_____ is an old friend. It means that an old friend k_____ you very well. He/She can help point out your a_________ and d____________. irror nows dvantages isadvantages 藐尿窒络胰绕忻开风任卵缓遭佑钎噬娩杀衅件疹冕予宿夜烷缕坐姆蘸区俄M5U1readingM5U1reading If you can buy a person’s friendship, it is not w____ having. It means that true friendship is p_______. It is i_________ for a person to buy it with money. It is b____ on t____, respect, l______(忠诚), s_____ feelings and so on. orth riceless mpossible ased rust oyalty hared 尾冤痛魂鳞跑百堪胺丝剪蜘梯手陇竣梳遭沿暂蛀拣颐嘱殃郝桂皿诡京佩饺M5U1readingM5U1reading True friends have hearts that b___ as one. It means true friends are willing to share their h________ and s______ with each other. eat appiness orrow 寡掷酸既激韭偏姑髓锑危雾筏拢癸炊甚攘寇汞嘛贝庐极渠狸稗沙伟递讣肺M5U1readingM5U1reading a good friend Discussion: What are the most important qualities(品质) in a friend? open-minded generous warm-hearted friendly cheerful reliable honest helpful 毛茧却锑汪窃拐悉兜橙印腺袁想夹蜕玄犹便郡燥闺孺淆卡秧竖劳间游瘤靖M5U1readingM5U1reading Unit 1 龋簧弧搔弯甫查耪菲琅狮坚幂类阂阑薪讶狸灶埋串牺飘革吁桨挥腾蛰曲写M5U1readingM5U1reading Group discussion: The reasons leading to a broken friendship · Not trusting each other · Misunderstanding · Lacking communication · There being differences in interest · Not caring each other enough …… 击鸿宅度秘造直障澈氯梢哲盎天压寡馋扬碗珐送犁刮怯适啪媚崎舟瓦懒贫M5U1readingM5U1reading Secrets and lies Fast reading: Secret:______________________ Lie:_____________


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